Thursday 9 September 2010

Where the Wild Things are sweet
Vienna's Cupcakes of the Night

Where The Wild Things Are Sweet
Cupcakes of the Night

"For plants
that cannot bloom by day
must flower in the night."


I would have bet that the quote
is from Emily Dickinson.
Would you think I'd find the source?
No, I did not!
As they say here,
someone must be sitting on it.
Can you help me, please?


the night of 7 September 2010
in the store window of
Café Pâtisserie Gerstner
Kärtner Strasse 13-15

© by Merisi


  1. Isn't this from a song by Jefferson Airplane?

  2. Martin H,
    I think you are on the right path!
    Could it be "Son of Jesus"? I don't have the time right now, will look into it later!
    Thank you and a wonderful day to you,

  3. I wish I knew it!!!In any case nice quote!I used to read lot of poetry pieces but it´s so long ago... I should re-start! Have a lovely and creamy day:-))

  4. Music and lyrics are credited to Jack Traylor for "Flowers of the Night" on an album featuring members of Jefferson Airplane. Thanks much for all the beauty in the photos and poems.

  5. Sometimes I wonder if things are just more beautiful in Vienna, or if it's all in how we see them, capture them...

    I think I need to grab a camera and go on a beauty finding mission here in Mission, BC.

    I so appreciate your blog. I stop here everyday.

  6. Forget the words, just hand over the cupcakes and no one will be hurt.

  7. Don't forget one for me!

  8. Oh those cupcakes are making me drool.

  9. Cupcakes on the wild side! I love it.

  10. Don't know about the quote...but I'll join you for a cupcake and coffee!!! ;-))) Love this!! ~Janine XO

  11. As best I could find...Cheryl is correct. There was something else about a clambake using the phrase as well as something about Karmic Vortex, whatever in the world that might be. I am glad that you enjoyed a cupcake though, they look fab~

  12. As best I could find...Cheryl is correct. There was something else about a clambake using the phrase as well as something about Karmic Vortex, whatever in the world that might be. I am glad that you enjoyed a cupcake though, they look fab~

  13. I want to lick the top off!

  14. I want to lick the top off!

  15. Your quote is from "Flowers in the Night" by Jack Traylor.
    sung by Paul Kantner (band: Jefferson Airplane)

    I was not sitting on it though and I have not found out who was !!!
    Have a good day - and a good night !!!


  16. Thank you all for helping me solve this riddle!

    Here is the link to Flowers in the Night on Youtube, and here the lyrics by Paul Kantner (I am still mystified about how I got those lines into my head!):

    "Paine and Pierce and Robespierre, Juarez and Danton,
    Luther, King and Lumumba dead but far from gone
    Lenin, Cleaver, Jesus too, outlaws in their nations,
    Revolutionaries all, dreamed of liberation

    God is up in heaven his agents here on earth
    The church has said that this man rules, he's best because of birth.
    But what's that noise down in the street, who dares to shout and sing?
    With all his courtiers at his side, who dares to touch the king?

    Old man get some soldiers, keep them close at hand
    There's a fire in the country, there's a flame come to the land
    Seven thousand loyal troops, in ranks they stretch so far
    With seven thousand well armed men, no one can touch the czar.

    Louis watch the prisons, send the goons around
    Is that Paris burning, is the Bastille falling down?
    And where are all the mercenaries - paid for by the king?
    Have they joined the mob you say, doesn't money mean anything?

    Old men get some soldiers, keep them close at hand,
    The seeds that were sown yesterday now flower in the land
    And guard yourself most carefully with military might.
    For plants that cannot bloom by day must flower in the night

  17. Is it from,'WHERE THE WILD THING ARE'?
    ? ? ?
    Oops I meant In the Night Kitchen...

  18. Dear readers,

    less than 24 hours after taking this image and then walking to meet a friend, two precious flowers got badly hurt when hit by a car driven by a female drunken driver in DC, while waiting at a traffic island for the light to turn green.
    Two girls, innocent victims of a monster,
    my friend's world changed overnight.
    I was trying to summon friends in DC and one told me that her own daughter had come home and told about the accident she just heard about on her way home.

    Life is so fragile.

    September Evening in Adams Morgan

    “There was an accident
    on the road home
    two girls struck by a drunk driver.”

    Her mother
    let a sigh of relieve,
    safely home
    her little girl
    in from the dark night
    and into the warmth
    and light of her loved ones.

    The victim in the trauma center,
    her father high above the clouds
    sailing to her bedside
    hoping to not fall
    before he could close his arms
    around his little girl
    and hold her
    and keep her

    International phone lines
    alive, over the oceans
    and into homes
    searching for counsel
    and comfort.

    What has the world come to
    where it is not safe to wait
    for a traffic light to turn green,
    because the monster,
    fueled by alcohol,
    heeds no one and
    bares her fangs
    and reaches
    for innocent girls?


  19. Carol,
    your comment came in while I was typing the other one:
    Of course, we all know that the Wild Things are not in the Night Kitchen (there are other scary things happening!), but who'd have thunk that in Vienna, the WILD THINGS ARE SWEET? ;-)

    We had a large Maurice Sendak poster in our DC kitchen, a scene from the Night Kitchen. Our kids loved it. So did I. ;-)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a note.