Monday 22 June 2009

Against the Dearth of Monday Poems

full of promise rise

out of the greys of dawn
retreating fast

The Amsel
Sings me something well

Of sweet secrets
that the new day will reveal.

Images and text
by Merisi
June 2009

The image of the first picture
is of roses at the feet of a statue
at the southern side stair landing of the
Upper Belvedere Palace,
photographed in the early morning light.
All other images were
taken in the Belvedere's Alpine Garden.
3rd District


  1. How amazing to wake up to all that beauty! Beautiful photographs.

  2. Simply lovely to catch up on your posts from somewhere rather remote!

    Beautiful picture of the Amsel, and your Midsummer's Eve post is gorgeous!

  3. Your bird photo is just perfect. Beautiful.

  4. All so beautiful! Oh, to climb those stairs!

  5. Merisi:

    Thank you so much for your kind words, at my place and over at David's. Very sweet of you, and very much appreciated!

  6. gorgeous selection of photos

  7. I read about your fall at Elizabeth's blog. I hope you're taking good care and will be on your feet again soon.


  8. Oh, what a beautiful garden! The photos are wonderful!

  9. that path is so lovely ... I would want to steal it and take it home!

  10. All of these pictures are wonderful, but the statue melding into dawn sky and the bird are very memorable!

    Visiting your blog is always so very refreshing.

  11. You know you just have to follow those half hidden steps. What is it about such a path that draws the mind?

  12. I love the way this post ended with flowery fireworks! A fitting tribute to the preceding photographs. Thanks for sharing the beauty that some of us never get to see.

  13. Beautiful.
    And I never made it to Belvedere Gardens.......

  14. Beautiful words; beautiful photos!

  15. Just beautiful...It is gray and gloomy here but there is always sunshine on your blog!

    By the way, the next time you visit my blog, please hit the "follow" button again. I have heard from people that they no longer get my feeds since I changed my web address. I hope you still feel like following! =)

  16. Your blog is great. Here I can find the beauty of my hometown in every of your wonderful pictures.

  17. Ahh, the Amsel! I recently discovered that is the German name for what is also the English Blackbird, now my very favorite bird because of its beautiful song!

  18. Gorgeous bird photo.

  19. this Monday I was on the road - no time to feel the blues :)

  20. great shot of the bird

  21. Today I posted a walk in a beautiful park in the center of Madrid. I am lucky to live next door to it. It made me realize that European parks have a lot in common.

  22. Very fine sequence of photographs, Merisi. The day begins really well with these good images.
    If you want, I have some woodcarvings on my blog!
    Have a nice evening!

  23. Thank you, dear readers!
    I truly appreciate that you take the time to leave a comment.
    I have been travelling over the last two days, and is was particularly nice to find your kind words upon returning.
    A good day to all of you! :-)

  24. Beautiful, and such great shots.

    Congrats to you too on POTD.

    Thanks for your visits and kind comments.

  25. I enjoy the journey to take me on everytime...I adore your blog!

    great POTD from David

  26. Congrats on POTD!!

    Beautiful work!

  27. Congrats on your post of the day nomination. The first one really grabbed my attention.

  28. The first photo caught my attention...perhaps we might see the whole of the statute?

  29. breathtaking - one of my all-time favorite posts.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a note.