Monday, 26 May 2008

Thank You!

50 000

Red Rose
Photographed May 23, 2008
Rose Garden


  1. On Thursday, May 23 2008,
    at 2:27:10 pm Pacific Time,
    the 50,000th visitor arrived here
    from Bellevue, Washington!

    I would like to thank each and every visitor who came through here, and especially those who encouraged me with their comments and emails to continue sharing my new hometown with all of you!

    Exploring and experiencing Vienna day by day has been an incredibly rewarding and beautiful journey so far. I feel very priviledged not only for being welcomed with open arms by this city and its wonderful inhabitants, but also by the sheer joy in being able to share it with all of you, my dear friends, starting with you from back in my old hometown of Washington, DC (my desire to share my new hometown with you was the original reason for starting this blog!), and continuing with all of you, from all over the world, who have visited here, and those who also are sharing their world with me.

  2. No, no, no - thank YOU!!
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful city with us and showing it through such wonderful photos and eclectic text.
    oh yeah - and you're rool noice person to top it off!

    50,000 visitors????
    I've had about 6!

  3. Dein wunderschönes(r) Blog ist es mehr als wert soviel und noch vielmehr Besucher zu bekommen! Du könntest direkt ein Bildband herausgeben :-) So schön!

  4. Your blog is beautiful. Congratulations.

  5. Anonymous26 May, 2008

    Love this rose! .... wow great shot. What make of camera do you use and what lenses?
    I also love to photograph flowers.
    My photos are here.

    I also love vienna and envy your lifestyle; being able to live there and spend your days photographing life. You have a great eye!

  6. Thank you for sharing your lovely home with us. The beauty you have captured is overwhelming

  7. 50,000! That's worth celebrating! Always a pleasure to visit, that's why so many people come back for more.

  8. Anonymous26 May, 2008

    Thank YOU! Your blog is often the highlight to my time on line each day. The ideas and the dreams that your pictures and words represent mean a lot to me. Thank you so much!

  9. What a lovely photo and way to say thanks!

    I came over to say thanks to you for visiting me .. the helper in the window is our older cat Gus .. he loves when the windows are open and the screens are in .. he sits and watches the world go by!


  10. Anonymous26 May, 2008

    Congratulations! It is a pleasure to visit your lovely blog. I look forward to many more posts.


  11. Merisi, what a beautiful rose and congratulations on all your visitors! I'm sending you one more, Penny ( ) whose post today is so much like your lovely Sunday post...hope you'll go visit our Penny, I think you would like her very much!

  12. 50,000! That's something to celebrate! Thank YOU for sharing Vienna and Venice through your eyes. Every morning I start my day thinking to myself, or even saying out loud, "Let's see what's happening in Vienna today!" or "Let's see what Merisi's got to share today!". You keep putting up your enchanting photos, poetry, and comments and I'll keep visiting.

  13. Hi,
    My name is Penny and I came over here because Sandi McBride of Holding Patterns blog, wanted to introduce us. I am so happy she did.

    Congrats on your 50,000 plus visitor. You have a beautiful blog and I have enjoyed my time viewing past posts here immensely. I will be back to visit and would love it if you came to visit me too.

    Have a wonderful day...

  14. Anonymous26 May, 2008

    Heartiest congratulations !! May you see the 100000th visitor soon.

    And a big thank you for sharing those wonderful pictures of Vienna and Venice with us.


  15. Lovely photo! I know it's cliché but I LOVE roses.

  16. 50,000 visitors...what a milestone....Congratulations!
    It's always a joy to visit here. No wonder you have so many visitors.

  17. Anonymous26 May, 2008

    Du bist die beste Botschafterin für diese Stadt, darauf können wir stolz sein. So viele schöne Momente haben selbst mir, die hier aufgewachsen ist, die Stadt von einer ganz besonderen Seite gezeigt, die ich wohl kenne, mir aber nicht so schön vorkommt.
    Danke und mach weiter so!

  18. And here I was happy when my daily visitors topped 10 a day! Eek. I agree with what all have said - that we should be thanking you for all of these wonderful photos! You are one creative gal.


  19. Great way to celebrate! It is always a joy to stop by here and see your slice of life in Vienna, Merisi...thanks for all you do ((HUGS))

  20. Congrats! It is a blog well worth visiting!

  21. Ahh Merisi, congrats on reaching such a milestone :)

    You have a great blog here and so thank you for showing us your city.

  22. Thank you all so much for your comments and generosity!
    I will come back to this post, visiting every single blog of yours,
    as soon as I will be back from a trip I am planning on leaving for tomorrow morning.
    I am looking forward to seeing you back here, and over at your blogs,
    with best wishes,

  23. Anonymous29 May, 2008

    Congratulations Merisi!50000 visitors are the proof of your amazing talent!

  24. a tad late, but congratulations, sugar! xox

  25. Wow! Congratulations Merisi!

    Heartbreakingly beautiful photo of the rose, I love the white background.

    Best wishes for continued success.

  26. Gross Gott Frau Merisi,
    the pleasure is all ours, danke danke for sharing your lovely photos and lovely city with all of us Wien lovers!

  27. Anonymous06 June, 2008

    Congrats ...!

    I agree- nobody shows the roses the way you do !!And its so uncanny looking at your post now...and just a while back I posted a Rose and you came in my mind and I had to dedicate to you.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a note.