Saturday, 17 November 2007

A Winter's Tale: Morning with Ravens

My Secret Garden

Red Yew Berries

Feasting my eyes
on the neighbor's trees

Morning sun
turning leaves luminous

Yellow Flower
waiting for its turn in the sun

Bird tracks in the snow.
They have been quite busy!

These ravens are very vigilant birds!
I had to leave the window open for what seemed like hours
of hiding behind the curtains,
camera at the ready,
hunting for an opportunity
to shoot a photo before they'd take flight again.

A couple of times they pretended to be busy
searching for food under the snow,
when in truth they were only teasing me,
keeping me in the corner of the eye,
ready to take off before I could engage the shutter.
"Nevermore!" they seemed to say.
"Evermore!" I insisted.


  1. Gorgeous pine trees! Beautiful snow you have there.

  2. definitely cut the cake in half before putting it in the freezer(good idea, why didn't I think of that?!) , or even better, don't put it in the frezer at all! Hehe :))

  3. Beautiful pictures of snow. I love the second one with just a spot of sun spotlighting the scene.
    You were very patient with the ravens.

  4. It looks like a fairy tales, beware of the raven-witches!

  5. It looks like a fairy tales, beware of the raven-witches!

  6. Simply gorgeous. Everything seems magical when its blanketed by thick white snow.

  7. Beautiful shots of nature, perfectly at home in the snow.

    We have no snow here (yet) but a kind of liquid ice is falling.

  8. 'Yellow Flower waiting for its turn in the sun'; the bird tracks; the light you've captured - breathtaking.

  9. It looks like a beautiful day, after the snow! Lovely photos. You can even make snow, look appealing. :-) {I only like my snow, when in a warm room and looking out. -smile-}

    And yes, you did catch those testy ravens!! Good for you!


  10. Are these photos from THIS year?
    I live in what I think to be the WINTER/SNOW capital of the universe, and we have none of this, yet!

  11. Merisi, an awesome set of pictures. I loved your word fight with the birds. Brilliant post. :)

  12. A blank canvas for yew to write your name, Brian-style!!


  13. Melissa:
    These trees are a joy to behold, any time of day or night or year. I can loose myself in thought by looking at them.
    It had started snowing at 12 noon on Thursday and didn't stop til midafternoon of the next day. I took the photos Saturday, after the snowclouds had moved out and let glorious sunshine in.

    You are right: Why bother with freezing the cake anyway? *chuckle*

    paris parfait:
    Here the snow sort of came out of the blue. ;-)

    How did I wish for a better zoom at the moment the shone on the berries!
    The ravens and I have had a quite tempestuous relationship so far. Wouldn't let me catch them on camera. ;-)

    I am sure the ravens think I am the witch! :-)
    It looks like a fairy tales, beware of the raven-witches!

    Seeking Simplicity:
    After a snowstorm, when everything's covered by pristine snow, the world turns magic. And very quiet. I love it. :-)

    Sally Crawford from London: Oh yes, at home in the snow. You said it. :-)
    I hope London didn't disappear under a blanket of ice (happened once in Washington, the ice wouldn't melt for weeks! Terrible.)

    Sally Crawford from London: Thank you! :-)

    Oh yes, it was a gorgeous day and I was looking out from inside!
    I do not mind being outside though, I walked long hours on Friday during the snow storm and enjoyed it immensely.

    david mcmahon:
    Thank yew! You are so kind. :-)

    Yes Sir, I'd never post snow from yesteryear. ;-)
    Snow came early this year. Last year at this time of the year we were still enjoying our coffee outdoors, Indian Summer then lasted forever. Something's wrong with global warming. ;-)

    Thank you so much! :-)

    Brian in Oxford:
    Are you sitting in that corner yet? :-))

  14. You hav ze znows ALL READY!
    Vas ist das?
    Mein Gut..
    I am falling over..
    not in znow I hope!
    Is das craft store open?

  15. Ravens are worth the wait.

  16. aah Merisi...splendid my dear girl. Simply beautiful. I love, love that second one.

  17. So lovely!

  18. March 2012:
    I have no idea where those photos (my own) have gone!
    Merisi :-(


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