Saturday 10 December 2016

Christmas Shopping the Viennese Way
A few of my favorite Things

Weihburggasse 16
Passage way to courtyard

Vermischte Warenhandlung
I love their great selection of Inge-
mouth-blown, hand-painted glass Christmas tree ornaments

Looking Up
Window in the courtyard

Photographed 9 December 2014
Images and Text © by Merisi
-> Inge-Glass @ New York Times


  1. Oh how I would love to see the room where that beautiful cushioned window seat resides! It looks like it would be very feminine. The it passageway is also a wonderful sight - I can imagine walking through there, footsteps echoing, chatting away with a friend. And, of course, glass ornaments - what could be better?

  2. Vienna looks so serene during Christmas shopping season. It seems a place and time to carefully contemplate decisions. xo

  3. That passageway looks inviting!

  4. What lies behind that window with the pretty pillows? The shop and passageway are lovely!

  5. This is the kind of window I'd love to look up to !!!
    Beautiful !!!


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