Wednesday 23 March 2016

The Day Spring arrived
Nestroy Monument and Miethaus zum Jonas

Nestroy Monument
In front of Praterstraße 19, the "Miethaus zum Jonas",
an 18th Century apartment building
Photographed 22 March 2014 during lunch hour
in Leopoldstadt, Vienna's Second District

The Nestroy monument is located a few hundred feet as the crow flies
across the Donaukanal from Schwedenplatz in the First District
Images © by Merisi
-> Johann Nepomuk Nestroy (7 December 1801 – 25 May 1862) at Wikipedia:
"Johann Nepomuk Eduard Ambrosius Nestroy .... was a singer, actor and playwright in the popular Austrian tradition of the Biedermeier period and its immediate aftermath. Dubbed the "Austrian Shakespeare", in style he is more comparable to Molière."


  1. Tu sais bien nous faire ressentir le printemps naissant

  2. It certainly looks like spring. Terrific perspective!


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