Tuesday 18 March 2014

Coffee, anyone?
Café Orlando di Castello

The Winner
1922 Bronze sculpture by Josef Müllner
Theseus Temple, Volksgarten

Cappuccino Love
with a glass of water
topped by a downturned spoon -
and you are the winner!

Photographed at
Café Orlando di Castello
Freyung 1

© by Merisi


  1. It's been a long, long time since I've had cappuccino. This cup looks quite pleasing to the eye.

  2. How fun is that red chair! It really pops.

  3. I miss coffee with you at Orlando!

  4. A cappuccino with heart, yes, please :)

  5. Zu Deiner Frage :Der Zelebrant der Humanistischen Gesellschaft erzählte aus der Jugend und dem Leben unseres Onkels, von den Zeiten an denen er am glücklichsten war, seinen Hobbies und Eigenheiten und all dem, was seine Familie an ihm liebte. Er spielte seine liebsten Lieder (Thin Lizzy und Bob Dylan) und ließ den Anwesenden auch Raum ihr eigenes Gebet zu "denken", wenn sie eher religiös geneigt sind. Er schuf eine Atmosphäre, die trotz der emotionalen Situation eher ein liebevolles Gedenken an den Verstorbenen und an sein Leben auslöste: Er war der Mittelpunkt und wurde in Ehren verabschiedet. Genau so wollte er es haben, und es war genau das Richtige.

  6. Merisi, lots of winners here. I know that I would enjoy one of those cappucinos, particularly if there might also be primroses on the table to catch my eye.

    Earlier today, I saw the new film, The Grand Budapest Hotel, and did detect some of the world of Stefan Zweig in the midst of all the cameo appearances by contemporary actors. Have you seen it? it would be grand to sit at a cafe table and order some cake and coffee and discuss our opinions.


  7. You know I am partial to your coffee photos! Love the last picture -- red chair, blue pot...so perfect.

  8. Café Orlando di Castello, I like a name like this!

  9. I have said this, I know, but I don't mind saying it again: this is my favorite of the places I have seen in your photos.


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