Friday 24 January 2014

Looking Up
The Dominican Church

Dominican Church of St. Maria Rotunda

"The first church on this site was built in 1237
by the newly arrived Dominicans on a piece of land
allotted in 1225-1226 by the duke Leopold VI."

"The church was enlarged between 1240–1270
and a new choir was added in 1273.
A series of fires caused the construction
of a new Gothic church between 1283 and 1302."

"This church was heavily damaged during the first siege
of Vienna by the Turkish army in 1529."
"In 1631 the Dominicans started to build a new oblong church
with a dome, following the plan of Jacopo Tencala …
"The master builders were Jacopo Spacio,
Cipriano Biasino and Antonio Canevale.
They introduced to Vienna the Baroque style of Italy."

Images © by Merisi

-> Quotes from Wikipedia's article about the Dominican Church
-> Sky Watch Friday for more beautiful skies from around the world!


  1. Merisi, the photos are stunning, particularly the first one. Beautiful!

  2. Your angling certainly got my attention today! William Kendall is absolutely correct in his assessment of your photos.

  3. Ich finde es immer wieder schade, dass man all die wunderbaren Statuen und Büsten nur aus einer so komischen Perspektive sehen kann. Ab und zu sollten Brücken an bestimmten Punkten aufgebaut werden, damit man näher hinkommt. Wie letztes Jahr im KHM für das Klimtfries. Nicht wahr?

  4. Gorgeous perspectives, especially the first.


  5. GREAT pictures.... and hey, the church even built by someone with the very name of my blog-alias: Cipriano.
    VERY cool!

  6. It always amazes me how structures like this were built back then. That first photo is incredible!

  7. Such beautiful captures. Thank you for the visit.


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