Sunday 15 December 2013

Christmastime in Vienna
A magical Time of the Year?

Fourth Wall Illusion
A common sight in downtown Vienna:
Characters leaving the fictional realm of guide books
and then desperately trying to figure out
how to get back in

Sometimes it's best not to think
too much about how it all works

otherwise you may get stuck
in reality

much to the amusement
of those who know their boundaries

Illusion or not,
the first encounter happened within sight
of Tiffany's at Kohlmarkt - and we all know
how they don't serve breakfast -
from there the scene moved to Chanel's Boutique,
while frozen in time happened in front of Diesel's
where moments before - or after? - Adrien Brody
did not play the piano.
And the really clever characters?
Somewhere on Kärntner Strasse,
spray-painting fake snowflakes
in their own reality.
Any questions?

Photographed in the afternoon
of 13 December 2012
unless it all happened
only in my imagination
Images and Text © by Merisi
R e p o s t


  1. A great twist on the alternative reality that is the festive season in retail.
    And yes, I've experience that guidebook moment of complete chasm between book and what I see before me.

  2. Beautiful shots and a fun narrative!

    Yes the Fourth Wall. I like playing around with that in my writer blog from time to time... have a character say something to the effect of "there is a theory that none of this is actually happening . You see, there is a man at a computer..."

  3. Le plus beau moment de l'année... Merci Merisi pour ces photos de la magnifique Vienne !
    Douce semaine de décembre, bises

  4. Pretty strange, Such experiences really can be unsettling.

  5. I don't mind getting stuck in the reality of Vienna. It is just so magical.

  6. i loved this post ... so clever

  7. i am tickled i now know how to say baked apple!!!!! love these glimpses into the holiday season/decoration in vienna!


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