Saturday 11 May 2013

Saturday Morning Farmers Market in May
Vienna in the Time of Lilacs

Lilac . Flieder
Farmers Market at Yppen Square
on an overcast Saturday morning in May

Blue Iris
in the early morning light

Purple Iris
almost touching peonies

Scented Matthiola
in lavender and purple

Red Spring Onions
I took a bunch of them home -
they are history already

White Asparagus
Bought a 1,000 grams - 2.2 lbs -
took them home, peeled and steamed them,
served them with a dollop of butter at lunch -
Viennese spring for gourmands at its best

The Mistress and Marguerite Daisies
accompanied by unknown yellow flowers

Not yet 8 AM - a group of friends
braves the morning chill outdoors
with a cup of hot coffee -
tu felix Vienna!

Photographed 11 May 2013
at the Saturday Morning Farmers Market
Yppen Square
16th District

Images and Text © by Merisi


  1. Stunning. I need a trip to my farmer's market soon.

    1. I miss something the whole week when I don't make it to the market on Saturday.
      I got there today before 7 AM, and I love that early hour before everyone else descends upon the market when the clock rings 9 AM. Even though the light was dull, heavy cloud cover threatening rain, the mood there and the flowers always brighten my day.

  2. I love to visit farmers markets!! A trip there does make my day or weekend!! I always love visiting yours, too, through your photos! Thanks for sharing, Merisi, have a lovely weekend!

  3. Dear Merisi, Those lilacs are sensational. So is the stock and everything else. I think that the yellow flowers are mustard seed flowers. Thanks for posting all of the gorgeous harbingers of Spring. My lilacs are still in tight buds. ox, Gina

  4. What a gorgeous colors! Farmers Market looks a very nice place.
    Love your photo on "About Me". You are very beautiful and you have a hair style I love so much. I always have bangs too and it's my "trademark" since my youth. Lol!

  5. Nein, das geht zu weit Merisi! Erst der verführerische Flieder und dann noch weisser Spargel den man hier garnicht kriegen kann, hier gibt es nur grünern. Ich sehne mich förmlich nach einer heimgemachten Spargelsuppe. In dem Markt wäre ich hin und weg und müsste einen Packesel mitbringen um meine Flieder, Lefkojen und Spargelbedürfnisse nach hause zu befördern.

  6. Those flowers pop right off the page. And the asparagus look terrific!

  7. What gorgeous coulours! The purples on top are amazing.

  8. OMG! I didn't know there is a nice farmers market around!! Thx a lot! I should try here as well! :) And I love your pictures! So vivid!!


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