Thursday 25 April 2013

St. George at Griechengasse
Greek Orthodox Church St. George

St. George slays the Dragon
Tympanum of the main façade

Greek-Orthodox Church „St. George“
View from Griechengasse

Main façade
View from Hafnergasse

Window above a side entrance
Greek-Orthodox Church „St. George“
Griechengasse 8

Images and Text © by Merisi

This is my contribution to CityDailyPhoto blog's St George Theme Day
To see how other photographers interpreted this theme, visit
-> CDP's St. George Theme Day

There is also the Greek Church of the Holy Trinity at Fleischmarkt, just up the narrow passageway, past the Griechenbeisl restaurant. I recommend Benedikt's TourMyCountry travel blog for more information about both churches:
-> Greek Church of the Holy Trinity and
-> Greek-Orthodox Church "St. George"
-> Vienna's Orthodox Churches
-> Greeks in Vienna
-> By George, @ Grammaphobia:


  1. A lovely set of photos - love the frieze

  2. Lovely old church and terrific captures as always, Merisi!! Hope you've had a good week and enjoy an even better weekend with lots of sunshine!!

  3. Beautiful architecture. I really like the shot of the window.

  4. Now that is interesting Merisi .. I never knew that St George had a connection to Vienna ... I only really found out not long ago that he was actually Greek and belonged to the Roman Army .. !!

  5. Merisi, today I did get over to Park Avenue, and have posted a tulip-filled blog dedicated to you. xo

  6. Wonderful images and a very nice website too!

  7. Hello Merisi , so lovely photos ! I have been ib that Chursh and the Greek road . I also have visited the Greek restaurant !Have a nice weekend ! Thank you for sharing this !

  8. Beautiful church. Lovely interpretation of the theme. We have a St George Greek Orthodox church right here in Schenectady but it isn't as beautiful as yours.


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