Sunday 1 May 2011

Maia Maiestas takes up the Reigns
With Lily of the Valley and Lilacs

April left with a huff,

extravagant luxuriousness
showering from his fragrant wings,

challenging Bona Dea
to take up the gantlet
and follow such munificence


For those of you
lucky enough to be in Paris
this week,
Ladurée is tempting your sweet tooth
with pale green, lily of the valley scented macarons

in honour of the French way to celebrate Spring!
Yes, Catharina,
be my guest:
I'll sponsor a little macaron break -


Lily of the Valley and
lilacs photographed
Saturday at the Yppen Square
Farmers Market


Images and Text
© by Merisi


  1. Fabulous flowers!!!
    Lily of the valley is my favorite flower and so hard to find here :)

  2. The first picture recalls the wedding bouquet . . . can you tell I've been wallowing in Royal Wedding images? Your pictures are so vivid and beautifully arranged.

    I love the smell of lilac; mine is blooming right now. Did you know that Jane Austen once wrote that she couldn't do without a syringa? I feel the same!

  3. Lilacs are lovely but lily of the valley is sublime. I have a nice patch growing but not enough to provide a bouquet like you show.

  4. Anonymous02 May, 2011

    Lily-of-the-valley was everywhere in France yesterday... selling and silently tinkling at every flower shop, at every street corner and by every car park...
    Every single stalk that is bought or offered bringing happiness...
    Hope your May Day was flowery and happy !

  5. Thank you all for your kind comments! :-)

    France and the way spring is celebrated in your country with sprigs of muguet to spread bonheur was very much on my mind when I prepared this post! ;-)
    I still have a bottle of Diorissimo perfume, to spread good luck that way, hopefully. ;-)

  6. Marie-Noëlle,
    did you get your Boite Muguet at Ladurée?
    These macarons dress in a very pale green and are supposed to smell of Lily of the Valley! Sort of macaron wearing Diorissimo, who'd have thunk? ;-)

  7. What a treat to catch up on your posts after being away! Spring in Austria looks completely magical. And your image of coffee and water on the silver tray in Zauner must rank as one of my top favourites of your always-stunning photos. Hope your work is nearly over and you are able to indulge soon in some serious leisure activity!

  8. Karen @ PasGrand-Chose,
    thank you! :-)
    There is light at the end of the tunnel, only 8 more weeks to go! ;-)

  9. So now imagine that strawberry Napoleon from the previous post eaten by a pitcher of a huge bouquet of lilacs and/or lilly of the valley - life doesn't get any better!

  10. Zosia,
    I agree! :-)(

    Wandring Star,
    thank you, same to you! :-)

    Favorite Spam Attempt:
    "I am a firm believer in punctuality. Problem is, it makes me very lonely."

    Blogger's SPAM detection works quite well.
    It's now months that I allow comments without word verification and there were only one or two unwelcome ones that slipped through the security net.

    Sunny spring greetings from beautiful Vienna,

  11. ooh la la ... LOVE Lily of the Valley .. it grew wild behind my childhook home. It's just coming up here in CT, and I can't wait to gather little bouquets. Don't the little flower bells just make you so happy!

    Thanks for the post ... I did not know that May 1 was for Lily of the Valley.

    Best ....

  12. Lily of the valley, lilacs ... beautiful sights and scents to refresh anyone who has other less pleasant matters on her/his mind.

    Thank you, Merisi!

  13. here they appear in the middle of May but I saw some of them already-too early this year:)

  14. Anonymous05 May, 2011

    I was in Paris yesterday. I had a walk on Champs-Elysées avenue and stopped by Ladurée. The May boxes were still in their shop windows and I took a picture for you.
    Shall send it to you.

  15. MN,
    that would be so lovely, yes, pleeease!
    May I publish it? *hugs*


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