Tuesday 17 May 2011

Cappuccino for David Revisited
Dreams of Italy: Florence

Early in the morning when

The mist rises
From the Tuscan hills,
And the sun's almost ready
To kiss the roofs
Of Florence,

Copyright 2008 by Merisi. All rights reservedCopyright 2008 by Merisi. All rights reservedDavide asks
The Mighty Lion
To please stand guard.
He then quickly

steps down
From his pedestal

Copyright 2008 by Merisi. All rights reservedTo fetch himself
A cappuccino
At Dolce e Dolcezze.

The first two pictures
were taken in the hills of Fiesole,
Michelangelo's David stood still
at Piazza Della Signoria
(while Donatello's Perseo,
well, shrugged -
we all know what he was up to,
don't we?
and the cappuccino
was savoured
at Dolce e Dolcezza.


and first published
in February 2008

Images and Text
© by Merisi


  1. Well, joy joy to see pictures of my favorite city!
    Greetings from New York, dear Merisi.

  2. LOVE this bit of whimsy! Thanks for making me laugh in the midst of a dull working day!

  3. Beautiful David in all his glory like a Maidenform girl dreaming...

  4. Beautiful beautiful pictures, Merisi.

    Oh and by the way...it is a peony...opened up today, two and a bit years after I planted it in a pot and forgot it.

  5. What fun to think of David taking an early morning break before the crowds arrive to gaze at his perfect anatomy - all of it!!!

  6. A lovely fantasy! And beautiful pictures, as always...

  7. Anonymous18 May, 2011

    I like and appreciate this "brownish" atmosphere, matching the capuccino and contrasting with the pure blue sky and the splash of light of the previous post.
    Different atmospheres that I can really feel just by watching your sets of photos... !!!

  8. *sigh* You make me miss Firenze. Gorgeous photos, as always.

  9. Best part is, David doesn't have to ask for a stir stick... he's brought his own! 8-)


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