Saturday 28 August 2010

You Got Postcard!

© 2010 by Merisi. All rights reservedPostcards
Coming Soon!

Door with
mail slot
found in Italy

© 2010 by Merisi


  1. What a worried looking lion! Perhaps he gets nothing but bills.

  2. People still use mail slots? How wonderfully quaint. I remember mail slots. Sigh.

  3. Great photo! My New Year promise to myself was to write more real letters. The appreciation they receive makes it well worth the time and effort.

  4. Vicki,
    that looked more like a real postcard! ;-)

    did you notice the lion head is carved wood?

    I remember checking the entrance hall in Rome to see if mail had landed on the floor, the same in DC (in DC, older houses had a sort of grandfathered privilege to have the mail delivered through your door. I miss those times!

    that is so true, I hope you receive some in return!

    I found the postcard yesterday, in a place that looked like a Cinderella village in a hundred-year-sleep. Its beautiful old houses seemed as if they had been abandoned long ago, with gardens overgrown, an old gas pump rusting away, and not a soul to be seen. Maybe the heat kept people indoors, it was aroaund noon and hot and humid. I walked along the village road quite a bit, under an ominous sky, threatening thunderstorms and I saw only one elderly gentleman, standing forlornly in a doorway. And then, the postcard in that slot, a reminder that some souls were still living there, communicating with the outside world. They were maybe at work elsewhere, in the fields, or holding a siesta. Alas, holding a siesta would have been the sensible thing to do, considering the oppressive heat.

  5. Wonderful door-knocker, Merisi. Is it wooden?

  6. Yes, MARTIN,
    it is wooden and the very first one that I ever encountered. The details of the old houses in the village tell of prosperous times, when there was money and interest in adding such beautiful details. Did you notice the keyhole underneath the more recently added door knob?

  7. Britt-Arnhild28 August, 2010

    Postcards, a chain of everlasting love around our world.

  8. I love these two pictures!!! Perfection :-)

  9. Delicious color and patina. Yum.

  10. Gorgeous colour of that door! I hope the postcard was bearing happy news.

  11. OK!
    Now this is looking more Italian to me :)
    Go see EAT PRAY LOVE
    You will love it I think..
    I did.
    Any movie I don't fall asleep in I know is a good one
    Also go see SOUL KITCHEN if you didn't already!!

  12. I love the color of that door. Great photos!


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