Monday 26 July 2010

A Little Morning Music

© 2010 by Merisi. All rights reserved

© 2010 by Merisi. All rights reservedPhotographed
at Joseph Haydn's birthplace
in Rohrau
Lower Austria
June 2010

© 2010 by Merisi. All rights reservedid=May I suggest a
little morning music?
Here, a few selections from
Joseph Haydn's "Schöpfung"
(The Creation):

1) Stimmet an die Saiten (Wake the Harp)
2) Interview with conductor René Jacobs and,
among others, Es werde Licht
3) Singt dem Herren alle Stimmen!
(Sing the Lord, ye voices all!)

Did you know that Antonio Salieri
played the keyboard at
the world premiere,
30th of April, 1798,
at Palais Schwarzenberg in Vienna,
with the master,
Joseph Haydn, himself conducting?

© 2010 by Merisi


  1. Lovely! Spare and serene.

  2. I enjoyed the pictures and the links :-)

  3. What a charming interior. I love that heating element thing. What a fabulous color!

  4. oh, Merisi, Vielen Herzlichen Danken!!You and Herr Haydn have transported me back thirty years to the Stuttgart Opera House,where a young college student sat in reality next to relatives she was visiting, but in imagination floating far above... I will have this with me all day.

  5. I love the simplicity of Hayden's birthplace. It reminds me of my grandmother's house. I will listen to some Hayden today while I'm working...thanks to you.
    Hope it has cooled off a bit. Would it be proper to drink iced coffee in Vienna? Or is that a NY thing?
    Catherine xx

  6. Those are lovely. I think I'll stick to my morning silence, though.

  7. a mullion thanks Merisi ! I have always wanted to see inside this place. Wonderful pics,and very nice links too.

    Fabulous !!!

  8. Love the light in the first one..
    And the DOF did you do that to the flowers on the window sill?

  9. It must have been interesting to visit Haydn's birthplace. The photos are lovely and the stove is a great colour.

  10. What a lovely place to visit, Merisi. You have so many famous composers in your area. I was so happy to see Lucca, Italy two years in a row - a charming town - and the birthplace of Giacomo Puccini. It has lovely streets to stroll, nice cafes and restaurants and you feel Puccini everywhere.

  11. Now I've got to listen to my CD of Hayden's Schopfungsmesse. I'd love to visit his birthplace as he's one of my favorite composers, but I'll have to settle for your photographs instead.

  12. Thank you all for your kind comments! :-)

    A Thousand Clapping Hands:
    Catherine, oh yes, Viennese love their iced coffees, albeit with two scoops of vanilla ice cream and topped with whipped cream!


  13. Paris Breakfasts:
    regarding DOF (I suppose you meant depth of field):
    I shot it with the Nikkor 85mm lens (which would be the analog equivalent of 130mm), aperture at 3.6, hence the low depth of field. I focused on the Haydn bust, which put the window out of focus and overexposed (the room was rather dark and the outside very bright).

    Which effect were you wondering about regarding the flowers on the window sill?


  14. The turquoise touches in your photos always gets to me.


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