Saturday 10 July 2010

Breakfast With Spies

Sky Swap
Vienna hosts exchange,
harkening back to Cold War days

In a scene reminiscent
of the dark days of the Cold War,
Russian and US officials traded prisoners
in the bright sunlight on the tarmac of
Vienna’s international airport yesterday ...
(The Boston Globe this morning)
Click on the headline above
to read more


Breakfast at
Café Drechsler
this morning
© 2010 by Merisi


  1. I like your photo journalism Merisi-- I didn't fully grasp the Boston Globe article, but I do your image.
    Your egg makes me think we are all one, how about you?
    I just read a comment you left last winter on my blog that was very moving and heartfelt. Much love to you and thank you for your friendship and inspiration.

  2. Breakfast looks good...I'm not sure about the article, either. I must not be up to date on the news.

  3. I;d much rather gaze at your egg...
    Lovely picture
    Lovely egg
    I'm a big fan of the hard boiled egg but I never seem to get them right when I do it myself...
    Must remember to go to cafe Drechsler for the perfect egg...

  4. This has been such a puzzling episode -- it's not clear at all what these Russian spies hoped to accomplish.

  5. Merisi, when first I heard about the spy trade-off site being Vienna, I immediately thought of you!

    Your breakfast photo, and those of the message drop sites in the prior post lived up to all my expectations.

    I knew that you would find a way to honor traditions in a thoroughly contemporary way.


  6. Great photo...I read about Vienna regarding the spies as well...quickly thought how lucky they are!! Have a wonderful weekend!!

  7. I know. When I heard about the Spy exchange I was thinking Ronald Reagan must have returned to the presidency.

  8. I remember the last swap. Great post, Merisi--love the way you juxtaposed these images!

  9. I love the way you've illustrated this ;)

  10. Oh, such exciting doings for you, and what a lot of nonsense this whole spy business is. I do like the egg though!

  11. Spies and interesting combination. I only know about it because I watch BBC news. The artist in me enjoyed the illustration the zeitung used for this morning edition...I spied Vienna's Reisenrad in the background!

  12. Espionage(sp?), spy swapping, the beautiful city of Vienna.....what an interesting day in your fabulous city! Anyone see Matta Hari? :D
    Happy Saturday, Merisi!

  13. Espionage(sp?), spy swapping, the beautiful city of Vienna.....what an interesting day in your fabulous city! Anyone see Matta Hari? :D
    Happy Saturday, Merisi!

  14. Isn't that insane? You are so on the mark with it being reminscent of time gone by. So is the egg-holder. But that's a very lovely thing to remember.

  15. Anonymous11 July, 2010

    Seems the place and time to be. Please have a great and safe Sunday.

    daily athens

  16. LOVE! I shared it on facebook.

  17. Anonymous11 July, 2010

    A great photo! Do have a peaceful Sunday, Merisi.

  18. That you for all your kind comments!
    A wonderful Sunday to all of you,

  19. Hahaha, great way to cover this spy theme.
    How is Vienna today?

  20. Britt-Arnhild,
    sunny and hot here.
    I hope you too are enjoying fine summer weather!

  21. Amazing, isn't it? Like something out of James Bond...


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