Monday 28 December 2009

We're Gonna Need Some Coffee. Soon!

Yes, Coffee. Pleeease!
"Armer Hund"
"Poor Fellow"
Literally: Poor Dog


Whenever I happen to run
from St. Stephen's Cathedral
along Rotenturmstrasse,
I look for this darling stuffed dog,
part of a varied collection
of stuffed bears and toys
of the owner of this exquisite
antiques and interior store.
I thank him at each and every visit
from the bottom of my heart
for his sweet and witty exhibition
of toys.
I also love his superb
selection of antique and new bentwood furniture,
including designs by Josef Hoffmann,
Adolf Loos and Koloman Moser,
manufactured by Thonet and Kohn.

Gone to the dogs,
not necessarily a harsh fate
here in Vienna!

Galerie Ambiente
Lugeck 1


Images and Text
© by Merisi


  1. interesting teds....cute and all.....the things you SEE!!!

  2. Reminds me of "Bruce Almighty." time to manifest some coffee.

  3. that little boat on wheels is adorable. and the little stuffed animals :)

  4. Show us more, please, Merisi, from this store! I,too love, the boat on wheels and its fuzzy crew.

  5. Such a witty post! Made me smile :-)

  6. auch du lieber! he's welcome to come home with me any day...

  7. You keep leaving us wanting more! More adorable scruffy stuffed animals, more toys, more COFFEE! I always pause my morning blogging to get up, put on raincoat and go to the cafe for the second cappuccino.

    It's a tough job but someone's got to do it...
    Lola xx

  8. Is it just me or are the stuffed dog's eyes (in the first shot)a bit scary??? ha

  9. Oooooh, they are all so sweet! I want to give them all a hug!

    Wishing you a wonderful New Year!




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