Saturday 7 November 2009

Elective Affinities

6th District

Bird on the roof: Schönbrunn's Gloriette
Tentacled seedpod by the water: Karlsplatz
Dress behind bars: 6th District
Horse chestnuts: 13th District
Climbing rose: Ennsegg Castle

Images and Text
© by Merisi


  1. Have you read Adam Gopnik's "Paris to the Moon"?
    Click on the first image, and meet his brother Blake, the art critic. ,-)

  2. Wonderful poem in soft colors.
    My absolute favorite was the dress hanging in the window....
    but I loved all the others too.

  3. Well, I for one am perfectly content to take a second peep at Naiad.

  4. My favorite is that captive dress.

  5. My favourite photo is of the horse chestnuts.

  6. What an eye you have for unconsidered trifles!

    And thanks for the link to the consideration of the naked and the nude. A fine piece.

    It brought to mind the late Lewis Grizzard's comment on the subject:

    -- "Naked means you ain't got no clothes on. Nekkid means you ain't got no clothes on and you're up to something!"

  7. Merisi~
    These are wonderful photos! I think the dress is my favorite, however, I like the repetitive shadows of the urn in the first photo and the colors in the second photo. Happy Saturday, my friend. Hope it was a beautiful day in Vienna.

  8. I would very much like to see the woman in her dress that dwells behind those bars. Great photos as usual.

  9. I love each and every one of these shots. The first one with the shadow perspective.. the seed pod is amazing... the dress hanging behind the frosted window.. all just amazing. You are such a talent.

  10. How very lovely--such nice pictures. I luv the dress, and the rose vine, the urn shadows, the sheers in today's post. Have a happy day Merisi!

  11. I don't know what "Elective Affinities" is and I'm not sure I want to...I just ate supper.
    but the pictures are lovely.
    merci merisi

  12. Congratulations on your POTW mention, Merisi! Well done!

  13. Congrats on POTW mention, Merisi! Well done!

  14. So beautiful! You have an eye,Merisi, unlike any other in my particular sphere in make the mundane sing. I so love your work.

    And thank you for that wonderful long comment on my last post. XXX

    vw: grande...add Dame.

  15. The dress in the window looks like a Richter!

  16. I had the same thought as willow, a dress behind bars, imprisoned for what fashion crime?


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