Thursday 30 July 2009

Morning in the City: Glimpses of Annagasse

"The interaction
of two or more agents or forces
so that their combined effect is greater
than the sum of their individual effects
This is a definition of synergy,
according to answersdotcom,
but could well stand as a description
of Vienna's Annagasse.

Look at this 15th Century façade,
venerated for the "Blue Carp" -
"Zum Blauen Karpfen" -,
yes, the beauty of this façade alone
would send you swooning,
but it is the interaction of all of the buildings
along this street that make you
want to never stop looking up.

Looking Back
Supplies are being delivered
in the early morning
to the merchants, restaurants and hotels
along my favorite Viennese street.

I imagine someone having breakfast -
big cups of Viennese Melange coffee! -
behind the sheer half-drawn balloon shades
of this bay window.

Another view
of the house with the bay window,
at Annagasse 4,
the so-called Kremsmünsterhof,
erected around 1600.

Its 1660/1680s façade
has only recently been uncovered
and restored to its former beauty.

Leaving Annagasse
It almost hurts,
each and every time
my time is up.
You feel the same?
Would it be of comfort
if I assure you that
I have more images
to share with you?

in the early morning hours
of July 29, 2009
Photographs and Text
© by Merisi


  1. Dear readers:
    You can click on the images to enlarge them. :-)

  2. This from Merisi's News Department:

    Yesterday, on July 29th, 2009, at 5:26:38 pm, a reader from Rueil-Malmaison, France, became the 150,000th visitor of my blog.

    The oldest record I kept of my stats are of Monday, July 10th, 2006:
    1,142 visitors back then, with an average of 6 daily! I was pleased as peach back then that my friends and neighbors from back in the States seemed to be interested in following my steps in this new hometown of mine. ;-)

  3. Wow! That's a lot of visitors, lucky are they to be able to enjoy the beautiful work you do in here! Perfect definition of synergy in pictures, by the way!

  4. What can one say about a city and a time and a people who devoted so much energy to the creation of beauty? I am in awe.

    The number of visitors is staggering -- but not surprising. This blog is a wonder! Thanks, Merisi!

  5. Merisi, you capture so well the beauty of this city,and with such wit too,that the numbers can only increase!

    Annagasse is a little charm in the city as well. Good to see that the renovation works have finished at last. I tried twice to capture the Blue Carp on my last visit, how did you find the magic angle?

    All best.

  6. I can see why it's your favorite street. I love old narrow streets like that. So much to look at, so many little details like the flower decoration underneath that bay window.

  7. Congratulations on all those visitors, Merisi! That's wonderful.

    I always enjoy visiting here and today is no exception. Thank you for the early morning glimpse along this street.

  8. Gratuliere Merisi! Ich schließe mich an, es wundert mich nicht, dass dein Blog soviele Besucher hat - es werden sicherlich noch viel mehr :)

  9. You truly transport us with these pictures. Thank you.

  10. Congratulations with 150 000 visitors Merisi :-)


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