Tuesday 30 June 2009

Midsummer Afternoon

Yellow roses backlit by the sun

Spotted on my way home
around 5pm
this afternoon.


  1. out of interest what type of camera do you carry with you?? and always such great shots!

  2. A very similar rose is blooming by my front steps -- so cheerful and obliging!

  3. Fat, frumpy and fifty..,
    - today's roses and the "Eine Kleine Regenmusik" images have been captured with a NIKON D80,
    - the "Chance of Scattered Showers" pictures have been taken with a SONY DSC-W5 (with which I took all my pictures up to April 2008),
    - practically all my May and June pictures up to a week ago have been taken with a little PANASONIC LUMIX, which I value highly. In my book it is the best pocket camera around, technically anyway and ease of handling too, with a fantastic LEICA lens - their newest model, DMC-ZS1 (TZ6) has a 25 (!!! get that!) wide angle and 300mm zoom (no, they are not paying for my endorsement - wished they were).

  4. LOUCIAO -
    that is sweet, I like that, thank you! :-)

    Seeing those sunlit roses really cheered me up after all that rain.

  5. When my Scottish grandfather emigrated to the USA, I think he imagined himself becoming a cowboy, but he wound up living on the outskirts of Manhattan. For years, my mother always gave him a dozen yellow roses for his birthday, for the "yellow rose of Texas," and I think of him every single time I see yellow roses. Yours are making me smile right now. He was a wonderful, sweet man, and it's a lovely memory...beautiful, Merisi!

  6. Such an elegant flower.
    As regards your post yesterday: we are about to have a great big thunder storm.
    Greetings from Manhattan. I must say the beaches on Long Island are terrific!

  7. Being from Texas, I'm VERY partial to this rose today, Merisi! My mother is the quintessential Texas gal and we give her yellow roses every year on her birthday. These are LOVELY!!.....and I bet they smell wonderful, too.

  8. Deliciously bright! I love these photos, Merisi.

  9. Beautiful, Merisi. As you know, we have a lot of yellow roses.

    I wonder if these are the freesia variety?

  10. Very pretty yellow roses, Merisi.
    I find the pictures with the Sony are also excellent. About Panasonic, the 25-300mm is a fantastic objective indeed, both for wide-angle and for tele. Have you any Canon camera too?

  11. Yellow is not typically my favorite color but this is very intense.

  12. Gorgeous! After white, yellow roses are my favorites.

  13. I'm with Charles in the colour yellow, however these flowers provide a nice variation in the shading.

  14. .

    Thank you for your kind comments!

    no, I have never owned a Cannon!
    My Sony went bust early last year, that is when I finally decided I wanted a digital SRL (I was reluctant to give up the analog cameras - I have two old professional Nikon F2 bodies with great lenses).

    I got the Lumix as a second camera because sometimes I like to take pictures inconspicuously (even though DSRL are becoming more and more commong among tourists, so it's easy to blend in).


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