Monday 1 June 2009

Against the Dearth of Monday Poems

Cherries of the night are riper
Than the cherries pluckt at noon
Gather to your fairy piper
When he pipes his magic tune:

Merry, merry,
Take a cherry;
Mine are sounder,
Mine are rounder,
Mine are sweeter
For the eater
Under the moon.
And you'll be fairies soon.

In the cherry pluckt at night,
With the dew of summer swelling,
There's a juice of pure delight,
Cool, dark, sweet, divinely smelling.
Merry, merry,
Take a cherry;
Mine are sounder,
Mine are rounder
Mine are sweeter
For the eater
In the moonlight.
And you'll be fairies quite.

When I sound the fairy call,
Gather here in silent meeting,
Chin to knee on the orchard wall,
Cooled with dew and cherries eating.
Merry, merry,
Take a cherry;
Mine are sounder,
Mine are rounder,
Mine are sweeter.
For the eater
When the dews fall.
And you'll be fairies all.

A poem by Robert Graves

Moon over Cherry Tree
Photographed by Merisi
June 1, 2009
in Vienna's
16th District


  1. My mouth is watering at the thought of fresh cherries --beautiful images!

    And Robert Graves has alwys been a favorite of mine -- I, CLAUDIUS; THE WHITE GODDESS; and the poem "To Juan, at the Winter Solstice."

  2. Absolutely stunning!!! Love the the moon!!!! And the poetry by Graves is just perfect! Love cherry trees...had 5 in our yard when I was growing up!!! This brought back memories...and interestingly enough, I'd planned to post a poem about cherry trees this coming Saturday...funny how things work out like that...Thanks for an always inspiring visit! ~Janine XO

  3. the contrast between Vienna and here is just SO apparent in these photos. They are full of life and juice!

    Here is cold, wet and grey...

  4. I bought a huge bag of fresh cherries Saturday at the market and have been devouring them all weekend! Wonderful photos and perfect poem to go with them.
    Thank goodness I can go to the fridge now for a bowl of fresh cherries!! :)

  5. LOVE this post! Great poem and pics...moon and cherries--I never would have thought of such an idea...

  6. so beautiful... the cherries and the moon. you are yourself a poem!

  7. Your picture of the moon in the middle of the cherry tree is so lovely, so beautiful!

  8. Thank you all from the bottom of my cherry-loving heart! :-)

    I am sitting a travelling friend's garden and was walking to my car at around 8pm, when I spotted the moon high in the cherry tree. It was such a wondrous sight, "Merry, merry, take a cherry ..." immediately came to mind! ;-)

  9. Another knock-my-socks-off-and- watch-them-fly-around-the-room post!
    You are inspired and inspiring.

  10. Anonymous02 June, 2009

    Loved it, the pictures and the poem, dragged up a memory from school and I was able to recite parts of it from THAT long ago.

  11. I could take a couple of those cherries right now! :))

  12. Beautiful photots to compliment a beautiful verse

  13. Wonderful post, Merisi. All the pictures are very nice, beautiful the first two with the focus on the moon and not on the cherry tree and vice versa.

  14. Delightful! Everyone is talking about cherries. It's almost as if they're the world's favorite fruit. Love how you brought the photos together with the poem.

  15. How well the photos illustrate the lovely poem...


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