Tuesday 27 January 2009

Happy Birthday, Wolfgang Amadeus!

Mozart Schnitten

Anna Torte

Truffle Torte

Vitrine à patisserie
Kohlmarkt 14

To love deeply
in one direction
makes us more loving
in all others

Anne-Sophie Swetchine


Who would want
to choose between
Mozart and Demel!
Demel or Mozart?
A real conundrum,
thus far unanswered.


  1. I have to confess,
    this post has first appeared a year ago.

    I cannot upload any new pictures.
    My wallet has been stolen two weeks ago, and my Picasa account was running on that credit card that went to the thief. As luck would have it, my Picasa renewal was up just before the new one arrived and with the old one blocked, there was a delay in renewing my storage subscription. It should come through any day now.

  2. If I'd known they were going to have cake at his party I would have made sure to attend.

  3. I would not trust myself to be in the same room as those tortes. I would not be able to contain myself long enough to get an ordinary photo--never mind these extraordinary ones. So beautiful!

  4. Oh no...I would hate to lose my wallet. I would feel so violated. I hope you get things straightened out again..but these photos were beautiful enough for another post..

  5. um mozat and demels. bad news re the wallet!

    word verification- tiping!

  6. That's ok, Mersi. I'm enjoy the old ones.

  7. I hope that wallet fiasco doesn't have you feeling too down. I'm sure if you have a cup of coffee and a slice or two of torte...all will appear brighter. I love the pictures...they are making me crave something sweet.

  8. Merisi, is Vienna a musical place?
    I am reading People of the Book, by Geraldine Brooks, and part of it takes place in Vienna. The character Hanna Heath is an Australian, and she is trying to describe the city's pulse and it's heartbeat.
    She says, "The joke was that anyone in Vienna who wasn't carrying a musical instrument was either a pianist, a harpist, or a foreign spy." [Ch.V]
    Would this be an accurate assessment in your.... assessment?

  9. You ccan show so-called "old" posts anytime as far as I'm concerned = DIVINE!!!
    But you are a native and not supposed to get your wallet stolen.
    HUMPH PLEASE do like us tourists Madame. Get yourself an exercise bar and stuff yr goodies in there :)
    Cash one side and credit cards on the other. Works like a charm and nothing ever gets stolen.

  10. Oooh, thank you for reminding me! In celebration I shall play Mozart music on my iPod all day :-)

  11. Mmmmmm - do you realize that the bulk of the posts that are currently up are completely hunger inducing?? (Old - new - still yummy).

    So sorry about the wallet. That is the worst! I'm always lost when I misplace my wallet or my planner.

    Hope all is resolved quickly.

    If it is not arctic out tomorrow, I will take a walk in the morning, just for you. :-)

  12. very yum....I would not mind singing if you are inviting me to eat all those goodies.... :))

  13. That looks too good for words. Drool will have to do.

  14. I think I could easily get into the celebration of Mr. Mozart's birthday! Very easily.

  15. Wallet stolen and being sick . . . what a week! Don't worry about the photos - your pictures are always worth looking at twice :)

  16. Was driving into work this morning and heard that it was Mozart's birthday. As soon as I got my computer up, I imediately went to your site and look what I found!I'll have one of everything pictured....because you have to try at least a bite to find out if you like it or not :D

    I'm sorry to hear about the wallet incident. Things like that happening can set me in a tail spin. You, instead, just keep sharing the best of Vienna! May good luck and good health be heading your way soon!!


  17. Happy Birthday to Mozart!
    And sorry to hear about your wallet. Bummer!
    Wishing good things to come your way.


  18. A slice of that yummy cake whilst listening to Wolfgang in the light of a blazing fire. Heaven.

  19. Wolfgang is my hero!!

    And the tortes...once again, you're making me drool. Do you just lounge around Demel's with a pastry and a cup of coffee all day? ;)

  20. If I fell face down in one of those tortes, would anyone mind?
    Sorry to hear about your wallet. What a nuisance.

  21. so sorry to hear about your wallet being stolen...

    on a sweeter note, you have no idea how i envy you, all these exquisite cafés in Vienna...so so tempting !!

    i visited Vienna many years ago and your blog is exactly a Viennese delicacy!

  22. Too bad about your wallet being stolen.

    Those tortes look divine and so tempting.

  23. I suddenly feel in need for a sweet creampuff.......

    Did you get your wallet back?

  24. Oh my....such delights you are offering us here. Pastries galore. Vienna is on my must see list for several reasons, and pastries is certainly one of them!

    I hope there were no other serious repercussions related to the stolen wallet...


Thank you for taking the time to leave a note.