Saturday 10 January 2009

Extensive Low Stratus

Low Stratus and Hoar Frost
Vienna on
January 11 and 12, 2009
Photographed in
Neustift am Wald
and Hietzing
19th and 13th District


  1. Gorgeous! I am so enjoying the particular stillness of winter scenes this year.
    I love when every individual twig and blade is frosted.Even more eloquent for its brevity.

  2. These pictures are beautiful. We haven't had much snow as yet up here in Northumberland but I dare say it will fall at some stage.

    CJ xx

  3. What a beautiful walk. You put the romance into the view, to be sure!

  4. How serene and beautiful! Makes me wish I could walk there.

  5. Believe it or not this looks remarkably similar to Western Pennsylvania today ... covered in ice with a sprinkling of frost and snow!

  6. So beautiful. Everything appears to be so silent. No sound except the crunching of one's feet on the hardened snow, or the crackle of a broken twig. Lovely.

  7. Love the bike against the fence and all the different hikers. I feel like I can see my breath just looking at the pictures.

  8. Such a beautiful alternative universe! :)

  9. Somehow my internet connection is under the weather or such! I thanked you early this morning for your kind comments, alas, now I discover that apparently these good wishes never made it through the perilous vagery of cyberspace!

    Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read and enjoy your kind words, each and every time. Please forgive me for not always being able to find the time to thank you each indivually.

    May you all have a wonderful day,

  10. All quiet and peaceful ...

    I wish you a lovely year !

  11. What beautiful winter scenes!

  12. Oh these are beautiful photos! I wish it would just BE winter here in the England so at least I would have something pretty to look at while I freeze :-)

  13. Coolio! Is that your bike there Merisi. You know its the only way to travel.

    The snow has all melted here near Paris.

  14. Even though it's so cold outside here, these made me want to go take a walk and admire Father Winter's designs. You do this so well...

  15. Beautiful photos and definitely warmer than here in Toronto. I would love to go for a long walk there, sigh.


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