Friday 12 December 2008

Gone Shopping

on a December evening

Clicking on the image
will take you on a
shopping tour through Vienna.
Enjoy! :-)


  1. Shopping is my FAVORITE hobby! Window shopping with you today was such a treat. LOVE the Channel windows!!! Happy Friday!

  2. I did click and how lovely to be able to shop like this instead of in a big impersonal mall..

  3. May I confess that I did not go shopping, but to a great little Greek Christmas evening with songs and dance?

    I am glad, though, that at least some of you enjoyed the little shopping tour I had prepared for you (Charles, at least you got some quiet time for yourself, while the ladies were out there shopping *smile*).

  4. Did you take pictures while at your Greek evening? Singing and dancing sound like GREAT fun and I'm sure there were some tasty treats to be eaten as well. Aren't the holidays fun? :D

  5. I'm new to your blog.. but I loved going shopping with you!
    Loved the Channel great.

  6. Oh, I love her, all bundled up with her little tiny dog. The archway so massive above her is beautiful, too. Shop for me, too, please????!!

  7. That was really fun, Merisi. I saw several things I'd like to have - like the sheer curtains with silouettes and the Matteo Thun cups. And I saw something I have - the glass pitcher in the photo with the Macaron candles.

  8. How absolutely charming! That's the word that comes to mind.

  9. So elegant. Definitely not like going to the mall here! Which actually, I won't be doing, planning to shop on line and making angel flower vases with flowers from my garden, hope I have enough. I saw a photo with pine needles as filler, thought that might be neat for the holiday vases, we'll see...Happy Holidays Merisi!

  10. I love those dangly things hanging from the archway.

  11. When I lived in London I loved to go window shopping in the different inner city areas. This is almost the same, and its wonderful!


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