Monday 27 October 2008

Venetian Blues

Autumn in Venice
October 2008

Would you like to linger a little longer?
Clicking on any of the pictures
will take you to different corners of
La Serenissima


  1. Nice photos...

    Always in holidays ???

    See You later !

  2. Webradio,
    I love sharing the pictures I take,
    but comments like yours make me almost regret it.

  3. Oh, I love your photos! Your captions, everything. It's a treat, let me tell you.

    Did I spy Francis Ford Coppola on his cell phone in one of the pictures I clicked to? If not, he has a twin at large in the world.

    Here's a link to some other blues, in another part of the world:

  4. tut-tut,
    apparently he does have a twin! :-)
    Francis himself sports a beard, as far as I know, though, but who knows? *giggle*
    Thank you for the Link, I visited it with coffee cup in hand. Beautiful, Zansibar has always been among the places I would love to visit.

  5. Beautiful palette of blues.

  6. Great detail in the stautues.

  7. I like the way you have captured the glaucous water colour under the gondolas.

  8. and again...more...another of 'the places to see before I die..' line..I studied florencian art and is o want to go. have only been to Milan as a young child and only remember the food!! LOL...being part italian/french I feel like they belong to me in art and I MUST the 'grande tour' MMmmmm...
    you have a gift with the lens...

  9. ps.i hope its ok, i have saved the gondolas to my pc, as a screen saver..

  10. feel like you are really there..just lovely..

  11. Your photos whisked me away today! What a beautiful contrast of blues and whites. I visited Venice with my family while I was in college and fell in love with the place. The whole time we were there, I kept thinking that one day I wanted to come back and experience the magic of this city with my soul mate. Found the soul mate, just gotta make the trip! Have you ever visited Venice during the Christmas season?

  12. Excellent blues.
    About the Moon - no have not seen cow jumping over the moon, lol, 100-400mm lens, or 75-300mm lens will do to take good shot of the moon.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. Anna :)

  13. Beautiful dramatic blues and I love the different angles of the building shots.
    How i long to see some of these things for myself. Sigh,,,,

  14. I have been stopping by for so long - and, let's see, how shall I say this - I can't live without your blog! You take me to all the places I want to go but have yet to see. I am just now compiling my blog list and would love to include you if that would be alright. Please stop by if you have some time! Will be visiting you often, as always.

  15. Beautiful shots .. full of wonderful perspectives and colour. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for visiting my blog.

  16. Hello Merisi, Lucky you in Italy. My favourite country.
    Just got back from Japan and have taken some pictures of food, just for you!

  17. Awesome photos that bring my memories back of when I visited there so long ago.

  18. Lucky girl ! I can't believe you are in la serenessima !!!!!!

  19. ooops merisi, just noticed your copyright delete them gondolas then...sorry

  20. Oh, wonderful images, all! I especially love that one photo of the gondolier with the cell phone--it so made me smile. I remember the first time I rode in a gondola and all the gondoliers were holding cell phones while they maneuvered us through canals. I thought that seemed so incongruous, but it did make me smile. You can take me back to Italy any ol' time!!

  21. Your 'blue' posts are always amongst my favorites.


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