Thursday 2 October 2008

Melancholy in October

A Page from Merisi's Vade Mecum
When the melancholy fit shall fall, *)
Take a time-out at Demel's coffee bar
And let the gray day turn into sepia.


Photographed in the
Second District, Leopoldstadt,
and at Demel's, Kohlmarkt,
First District.

*) Line borrowed from John Keats'
"Ode on Melancholy"


  1. Bonjour Merisi...
    En octobre, le froid commence à venir... Les rues deviennent désertes !
    Vivement Noël...
    A plus tard...

  2. You gave me the word melancoly, and I could feel the mood in every photo.

    You are an artist Merisi.

  3. that last picture looks delicious.

  4. Well, if this is melancholy, then bring it on...lovely!

  5. Is that an apfelstrudel I see before my eyes... Ah, let me at it, let me at it. I want to go to Demels - I just know it will wash away any melancholy!

  6. Lovely October photos. This dessert looks to die for!!!!

  7. Can't we have a little Demel in Paris?
    I touched a true Demel box with violets, last week-end with a big thougth for you!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a note.