Wednesday 8 October 2008

Coffee, Anyone?

K. & K. Hofzuckerbäckerei
Royal and Imperial Confectioners
Kohlmarkt 14
1010 Vienna


  1. That would be a nice place to dine.

  2. Your third one from the bottom is a stunning still life, Merisi!! This looks like a very elegant place. I would love to have a cup of coffee here. Sigh.

  3. I agree. That one is my favorite too. A good cup of coffee in elegant surroundings. it doesn't get any better.

  4. Vermeer and Chardan would pee in their pants if they saw your gorg pics of cups and teapots...
    Me too

  5. What a refined place to stop and have a hot cup of coffee and reflect upon the day. With places like this, who needs Starbucks! I agree, the third photo from the bottomw is a beautiful still life shot. The light and shadows look almost mother's favorite painter. What time shall I meet you under one of those twinkling chandeleirs? :)

  6. Such lovely photographs, they look so painterly, especially this cafe post.

    Vienna is now on my wish list of places to visit!

  7. Thank you all for visiting and leaving a comment! :-)

  8. You know how I'm a huge fan of this!!! Thanks and happy day!

  9. Merisi!

    Yes, the world is small indeed, wow. Thank you for the comment! Do you have any photos from the Demel's Shaufenster? :)
    Just so you know, I will never forget those crepes from Zum Schwarzen Kameel!! Ahh, that was amazing. I had such an amazing time with you!

  10. I am coming right over. Is the coffee still hot?

  11. And the diner was expensive ???

    Nice photos...

  12. TEA,
    I hope to see you back in Vienna soon! :-)
    There will be a post about Demel's show windows in the not too far future. I photographed all of them, just not the time to post about.
    I don't have access to anything I photographed until September, though. My external hard drive's giving me a, er, hard time! :-(

    we'll brew a fresh cup whenever you'd like to seat down with one! :-)

    A cappuccino (or a Melange, if you want to do it the Viennese way)and the best strudel in the world, excellent service, international newspapers, all the time you can spare to watch the scene or read international newspapers for free, while the busy world outside keeps rushing by, and you relax, and all that for under 8 Euros. Is that expensive?

    What would this cost in Paris?

  13. I love all the beautiful reflective silver and the views in and out of doorways. Fabulous!

  14. Oh, Merisi....I can just 'smell' the coffee! I'm sipping my hot coffee mocha as I'm reading. I came over from David's authorblog. I will be back. Your photos are superb!

  15. There's a coffee waiting for you at my place.

  16. I would have a coffee , for sure , then another one , and another one ....

  17. Oh I know I would love this place. You have a gift for capturing the feel of the space.

  18. the fourth image looks like a grand master still me...beautiful in its simplicity...


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