Sunday 28 September 2008

Sunday Morning in Schönbrunn Park

Neptune in His Element
The Neptune Fountain
Schönbrunn Gardens

Photographed Sunday
September 28, 2008
A splendid Indian Summer Day here in Vienna


  1. Oooooo
    Looks like snow already...
    When can we go back into the caf for a cuppa?

  2. Paris breakfasts,
    no no no no, we've got T-shirt weather here today! Would you mind having coffee on the patio? Don't forget your sunscreen, though. ;-)

  3. There's a place in Austin with a great old fountain with statues like this around it. Love these kind of magnificient pieces.

  4. Charles,
    Empress Maria Theresa commissioned this fountain in the 1770s. It was completed in 1780. Theresa died that same year.

  5. Wow...especially love that third shot!

  6. I love that third shot as well--just peeking into that beautiful vision. Fabulous!

  7. Hard to pick a favourite, but I like No.3

  8. They're all lovely but the last one is my favorite. Can't exactly say why. Will definitely be visiting again! :)

  9. I like these as a series. I like seeing the statues through the mist and then I can see clearly and with clarity. Nice photos, as usual.

  10. Love the composition of each shot, especially the last one. There is such drama in the shadows and clouds. I love Indian Summer weather.

  11. Love the third shot, very powerful and evocative!

  12. I had to catch up and looked at several posts. You must be a very busy lady! You seem to go so many places. You are definitely a good photographer. Every composition is so interesting.

  13. Great fountain pictures, full of movement!

  14. Willow,
    I took that third shot from behind the fountain. ;-)

    A brush with color,
    Sue, the fountain is such fun because you can walk around the back, which gives you all these gorgeous possibilities for a different point of view, literally. ;-)

    David McMahon,
    so interesting, you all love that one! My favorites are the first two, maybe because I was there, and I liked that early morning mood reflected in the mist.

    welcome, I am looking forward to your future visits! :-)

    I agree, a bit like dream and reality, isn't it?

    thanks! :-))

    Absolute vanilla,
    welcome to the club,
    I am humbled. ;-)

    thank you.
    Busy yes, and shooting sort of in a fly-by mode, the only way to document those moments! ;-)
    I said it long ago, anyone looking for that perfect picture here will be disappointed, there are so many of those out there to look at already. All I try to do catching the mood of a place, at least the way I see it.

  15. Photowannabe,
    I am with you, Indian Summer weather is the best! Thank you for your kind comment. :-)

    Digital polaroids,
    thank you! :-)

  16. Goodmorning Merisi:

    Lovely lovely pictures. I especially like the second one...the horse looks as if it is really enjoying frolicking in the water.

    I take my camera with me all the time now...caught some Cormarants in flight..well, almost.

  17. Stunning - I dream about being able to take shots like these, in places like those. Thanks for letting us live vicariously through you. And a cuppa al fresco sounds divine.

  18. These white scultpures are gorgeous . Your shots are great.
    Thank you for sharing your VIENNA


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