Tuesday 26 February 2008

Where in the World?

The answer?
It's a color too!


  1. Oh Merisi...

    How jealous I am. As green with envy as that shitter in your photo ;) Don;t much care where the exact location is...beacuse I know it is in my fav spot.....Italy!!!

  2. OMG.....my typo is the worst ever!!! LOL!!! It should say SHUTTER!!!!!!!

  3. Sigh....what a wonderful visual escape from the cold gray midwest.
    My Melange's typo is the best ever! Thanks for the laugh so early in the morning :)

  4. SIENNA. Do I get the prize?
    Lovely photos as usual.

  5. All of these pictures of Italy are outstanding--very beautiful. Hope you had a wonderful time.

  6. I know the answer, but I am not going to tell ;-)

    Just wanted to say that My Melange gets the prize for Best Typo of All Time. Hahaha.

  7. Thank you for the warm wishes over at my place, Merisi!

    Beautiful photos, as always. It does my soul good to come here.

  8. @ my melange:
    I will definitely have to think up an award for you, Robin! :-)))

    @ Dawn:
    You are welcome (and I agree with you on Robin's virtuosity in creating new words - or did she?)

    @ Barbara:
    Barbara, you are amazing! I am afraid I would have guessed Rome, if I hadn't taken the pictures myself. Now I have to think of a prize for you.

    @ Linda:
    Thank you, yes, we had the best of times.

    @ catharina:
    I agree with you!
    I was thinking to create something with that tiny chick I got in Florence (too bad its comb lost its shiny red color when I washed it!).

    @ Suldog:
    Thank you, you two deserve a great anniversary trip. How'bout Italy?

  9. Beautiful colors and angles. Someday I hope to visit Italy too. Thanks for the lovely pictures.

  10. It had to be Sienna! BTW I would love that ginger recipe link you mentioned...please. :) Jan

  11. wonderful shots. You catch the italian spirit

  12. Beautiful photos of Italy! I've just caught up on at least a week's worth...yes, it does look like spring is in the same stages there as here.

    How wonderful you got to experience it in person! Oh how I'd love to have seen those wild irises among the olive trees...

    Your blog is always a treasure store of loveliness.


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