Saturday 6 January 2007

From Far Away They Come

1986 hardcover edition
"Amahl and the Night Visitors"
written by the Italian composer Gian Carlo Menotti.
from William Morrow and Company,
illustrated by Michèle Lemieux
Printed in Italy, ISBN 0-688-05426-9.

"Relates how a crippled young shepherd
comes to accompany the three Kings
on their way to pay homage to the newborn Jesus
(Library of Congress summery)

I must have read this story dozens of times over the years,
every year since my oldest child was three years old.
The story and the beautiful illustrations continue to spell magic again and again,
each time I open the book.
When I think of my children at Christmas time,
I remember all of them asleep on the big bed,
happily exhausted from listening and looking at the pictures.
That's my side of the story, I might add. ;-)))


  1. what a beautifully illustrated book!

  2. It's a joy to behold.
    Every time I leaf through it, I feel transported to a faraway time and land.

  3. Beautiful Merisi......

    .....I want this book :-)


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