Saturday 26 November 2016

Morning edged in Gold
Autumn in Schönbrunn

I'll tell you how the sun rose,--
A ribbon at a time.

The steeples swam in amethyst,
The news like squirrels ran.

The hills untied their bonnets,
The bobolinks begun.
Then I said softly to myself,
"That must have been the sun!"
Emily Dickinson

Photographed in November 2015
in the Gardens of Schönbrunn
Images © by Merisi


  1. Beautiful light, particularly in that last shot!

  2. The light is really magical!

  3. Fab..early light you can't beat it..

  4. You always manage to get that light just right - I don't know whether beautiful Vienna delivers it to your lense or whether you have a marvellous software package or whether you are simply a very talented girl - a combination I suppose with talent accounting for most of it!

  5. You capture light and shadows so beautifully.
    Have a great day Merisi.

  6. So beautiful!
    Have a lovely weekend Merisi.

  7. This fall weather has been filled with brilliant autumn color, all over the world or so it seems. Wonderful leafy photos.

  8. NYC is finally turning the corner from Indian Summer to Fall ... hooray for us .. of course its nothing like your neck of the woods ...

  9. Marvelous light and photos.


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