Dr. Karl-Lueger-Memorial at Luegerpatz
Beyond Stubenring, the brick-red Museum for Applied Arts
The Museum and Academy of Applied Arts
Built in 1871 under architect Heinrich von Ferstel
in the Italian Renaissance style
Flower Shop at Stadtpark Entrance
Corner of Stadtpark and Weißkirchnerstraße
Images and Text © by Merisi
-> Stefan Sagmeister, The Happy Show: through 28 March 2016, MAK Austrian Museum for Applied Arts
"In a way that is virtually unparalleled by any other institution, the MAK stands for the fruitful combination of the past with the future, something which can be clearly sensed and experienced when visiting its extensive collection, large exhibition halls, themed special exhibitions and discourse-centered program of events. Bringing together applied arts, design, architecture, and contemporary art is one of the museum’s core competencies, in light of which it becomes apparent just what contribution the interplay of these areas is capable of making to overall cultural development."
-> MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Los Angeles
The architecture in that first shot really is outstanding!