Wednesday 2 December 2015

23 Days until Silent Night
Looking for the Spirit of Christmas in Vienna

The Penguin Quartet
Singing a Christmas lullaby for you

Still, still, still,
Weil's Kindlein schlafen will.
Die Englein tun schön jubilieren,
Bei dem Kripplein musizieren.
Still, still, still,
Weil's Kindlein schlafen will.
(Austrian Christmas carol from Salzburg, 1819)

Still, still, still,
'Cause baby wants to sleep.
The angels jubilate beautifully,
By the manger making music.
Still, still, still,
'Cause baby wants to sleep. *)

Photographed 23 December 2010
Image and Text © by Merisi
The Wiener Sängerknaben singing my favorite Christmas lullaby, "Still, still, still!" -> Vienna Boys Choir
*) Source -> "Still, still, still" - Lyrics in German and English


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