Saturday 22 November 2014

Thanksgiving in a Viennese Kitchen
Sometimes She Cooks

It began innocently enough.
A cup of tea, watching a cooking show,

cutting six loaves of bread into cubes
for Thanksgiving's turkey stuffing,

when a sudden draft
sent a Japanese maple leaf

sailing through the air,
landing on my cup of tea!

The "Before" Picture:
I had picked up the leaf a couple of days ago
on my way to the grocery store,
and given it a place of honor
on my laptop

Photographed during last year's Thanksgiving preparations
This year, you can follow me here -> Merisi @ Facebook
I am cooking Thanksgiving dinner as I type -
Thanksgiving in Austria is celebrated in September,
hence no holiday this coming Thursday
Images and Text © by Merisi

Links to a few of my favorite cooks:
-> Sam Hoffer's "Carolina Kitchen"
-> Mary's "One Perfect Bite
-> Ilva Beretta's "Lucullian Delights"
-> Giuliano Hazan's "Educated Palate"


  1. You really got surprised with a great photo opportunity. Love the bright light in your shots.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. Cool! So where are you from that you celebrate American Thanksgiving?? Or you just wanted a stuffed turkey?

  3. The maple leaf in the coffee's an unusual touch!

  4. Oh so beautiful and lovely pictures! Love it!
    Have a happy weekend...

  5. I remember this! Soooo lovely.

  6. Merisi, I do remember seeing that beautiful leaf landing into the tea in that exquisite tea cup.

    It was grand seeing it again. It's also grand enjoying a chilly pre-Thanksgiving weekend in NYC continuing a strand of vacation days spent across the Atlantic.


  7. You inspired me. I am going out and gather some nice yellow and red leafs and spread them around the room, floor and table tops randomly for Thanksgiving.

  8. cooking? not for me. watching cooking program, yes .. such fun to see others do the prep, cook, serve and clean up

  9. A cup from Herend? That leaf has a good sense of humor....

    1. Kristi,
      I spied that cup - one of a set of three - at a garage sale I happened upon by chance!
      I paid €3 for cup and saucer, in mint condition. ;-)


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