Tuesday 29 July 2014

100 Years Ago Today
Viennese Moments in History

100 years Ago Today
The Viennese daily "Wiener Zeitung"
published a special edition with a facsimile
of Austria's declaration of war with Serbia

Black Coffee
Photograph © by Merisi

Link: -> Online and ready-to-order historical print editions of Die Wiener Zeitung


  1. Been that long. time does move on.

  2. Such a lovely image of the coffee, on such a scary document.

    1. Yes, indeed, Jane!
      I thought of people sitting in Viennese coffee houses, and learning of the terrible news via the special edition of the local daily papers brought in by the paper boys. I created and shot this scene at my home, though. Black coffee, that's what I felt would fit the mood of the day.

  3. Schwarzer Kaffee for serious news, activity in the Hofburg; silence or buzz in the Kaffehaus?
    Great pic.

    1. It must have felt as if the world stood still, for a moment or two, after the news arrived, then some hushed voices, contemplating the consequences.

  4. My parents in law were Hungarians, living on an estate near Gyor. The story goes that my mil was building card houses with her brother and sisters while their mother looked on, when he father came into the room and told them that war had been declared. Whereupon my mil's mother jumped up and exclaimed, "War! In Europe! In the 20th century! Impossible!"

    1. Yes, the parameters of human capacity to imagine the unimaginable are often different from what we see with hindsight. It was to become even more horrific with yet another war following the first one, and half a century of communism, with its own horror.

  5. Such a strange contrast today, Merisi.

    1. The world goes on, it always goes on somehow, that's what I was thinking. Drinking coffee is part of it, that's what I was thinking.


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