Sunday 8 June 2014

Mighty Aphrodite, what about that Queue?!
Perplexed in the City

A Beautiful Summer Morning
Savoring breakfast outdoors

Must be really good breakfast,
people are queing up to get in!

Wait, there's something
wrong with this picture

All these potential Aphrodites
are standing in line at ....
Yes, true, just as the sign says,
and no, there was no free lunch for anyone

No jungle out there, in Vienna,
only smooth silken .... whatever ;-)

Photographed on a Saturday Morning
at Siebensterngasse
7th District

Images and Text © by Merisi


  1. Ah, does look like a beautiful, sunny day!! We're having one here in Portland, too! I do love the blue skies! Enjoy the remainder of your weekend, Merisi!!

  2. ha ha so funny...this is either the best waxer in the city or there is a shortage of them in Wien.

  3. We had ourselves a nice sunny day here as well.

    Waxers are definitely in demand for the ladies!

  4. Merisi, wondering if each of the gentlemen sitting at the outdoor cafe tables are waiting for their very own smoothed Aphrodite to join them for breakfast.


  5. so wonderful - just give me breakfast!

  6. What blissful summer sunshine!


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