Sunday 22 June 2014

Annagasse in the Morning Light
Viennese Moments

Morning in Annagasse,
a narrow street in the center
of Vienna, dating back to 1290

Zum Blauen Karpfen
Detail of the façade

Cupids frieze
House of the Blue Carp

25 April 2013

Images and Text © by Merisi
R e p o s t


  1. Wonderful sights of Vienna. Greetings from the South.

  2. So beautiful pictures from a lovely Vienna!
    Have a great sunday...
    Love Titti

  3. How I wish I had made it to Vienna when visiting Austria.

  4. There's a fish on that building!

    1. "House of the Blue Carp" - that's how it is known!

  5. Lovely captures of your beautiful country as always, Mersi!! I do so enjoy these visits through your photos! Delightful!!!

  6. The architectural details are astonishing, Merisi!

  7. Hi Merisi, always so beautiful, your images just shine beauty and charm and even the street cleaner looks lovely! I have been missing in action, but hopefully will be back next week. Having difficulty with some medical issues and scripts...sigh! Living life though. Happy week my beautiful and talented friend~

  8. Hi Merisi, In your post I got a picture of a pair of blue jeans and a pack of Lucky Strikes plus a picture of an oar and a boat in the distance taken with your cell phone. They did not show inside the blog. Those were my very favorite of all. Love the oar one. Wondered who the blond was with hair just barely visible on the left?

    1. Jim,
      I checked and both the mobile phone and the web version were working. Could it be that a slow local connection prevented some of the images to fully load? Hope it works for everyone, cheers, Merisi

  9. Beautiful! They just don't make them like that anymore!


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