Wednesday 8 May 2013

Morning in the City
In the Time of Lilacs

Lilacs line the path to
Dreimäderlhaus at Mölkerbastei

Around the corner,
looking up at the Pasqualati-Haus
where Beethoven lived for many years

I walked past the Burgtheater into Volksgarten,
all the while dark thunder clouds churning,
waylaying beyond the rooftops,
angry remnants of last night's storms

No rain, though, I safely reach Minoritenplatz -
there, the window panes of the Chancellery
remain without reflections,
the sun cut momentarily off
by the storm clouds

3 May 2013
Images and Text © by Merisi


  1. Not only lilac time in Vienna but also chestnuts in flower superbly offset by the Baroque buildings and your photography. I can only wish I were there.

  2. Even the name lilac brings comfort to my soul.

  3. I do love the lilacs!! Such lovely captures as always, Merisi! The skies do indeed look stormy! Hope your week is going well!!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous! I love this time of year, when nature is so vibrant. It looks especially so in Vienna.

  5. I so love your walks around your town. You see such beauty in the everyday-ness of life.

  6. Beautiful Viennese lilacs, Merisi. Today our overdue rain fell in strong, intermittent bursts. The pink cherry tree blossoms are now on the damp sidewalks. The green leaves seem to have grown much larger since yesterday.

    Such is spring. It's grand to catch every moment, and cherish it.


  7. Even though it was cloudy on that day your photos give a sense of calmness. I would love a close-up of the painting on the wall plaque in the first photo. Such beautiful architectural touches add to the charm.

  8. Thank you all very much! :-)

    Spring truly is but a series of fleeting beauties. Lilacs are still blooming, chestnut blossoms are fading fast, tulips sigh under the hot sun on midday, and most trees are dressed now in all imaginable shades of chartreuse.

  9. Anonymous09 May, 2013

    Hi !

    What is that house behind the lilac bush in your 1st picture. And moreover, what is the painting on the wall, in the back ???
    I'm very interested to know all about it !!!
    Thak you !!!

  10. Marie-Noëlle,
    I am in a bit of a rush, for the moment I can offer your this link to an older post, with a bit more information: Mölkerbastei and Dreimäderlhaus
    Tomorrow more!

  11. I love lilacs too. Vienna is so pretty any time of the year.

  12. I gotta say I'm kind of missing your snow pictures..
    I think I'm the only one...
    Could it come back?
    Or is this it.
    Spring is here.

  13. *sigh* we're too far south for lilacs here, so your photos remind me of how much i do miss them! lovely images, dear friend! xoxo

  14. Lilacs so beautiful.


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