Sunday 27 January 2013

On the 257th Anniversary of the
Birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
was born on the 27th of January in 1756.
Today marks the 257th anniversary of his birth.
The following are my thoughts and images
from a visit in 2009 to his memorial
at St. Marx cemetery.

A wreath of roses and spring flowers
had been laid at the foot
of the grave stone marker,
and a white candle was burning nearby.

It has been snowing in Vienna, all week.
I imagined little Wolferl
being born on a day like this:
A heavy snow storm in the early morning hours,
with the clouds parting at noon,
allowing for a few minutes of sunshine
to caress the face of the newborn genius.

A bouquet of pale yellow roses
had been left by another Mozart loving soul.
They were frozen stiff,
as if to enshrine their beauty forever.
It warmed my heart thinking that someone
had come out all the way,
walked up the long hill,
maybe in a snow storm as I did,
to offer this token of love.

Another friend
had brought a single rose,

gently posing it
on the angel's pedestal.

A red rose kissed
by the winter morning's sun.

An angel,
keeping watch,
cloaked in sunlight.

257 years,
so many years full of music, his music,
source of untold delights and
unimaginable moments of sheer joy.

Somewhere in these hallowed grounds,
Wolfgang Amadeus was laid to rest,
yet his music is with us, to this day.
Music of the spheres
brought down to earth,
not by celestial bodies,
but by a human genius.

The wreath,
a gift by Pension Mozart.

Photographed in January 2009
at Vienna's St. Marx Cemetery
First published in 2009


  1. It is such a wonderful posting. The photos are so great.

  2. So heartwarming that so many take the trouble to visit his memorial on his birthday. I had never before thought about the date of his birth although we regularly celebrate Beethoven's birthday. It seems we will now also make remembrance of Wolftgang's, whose birthday is shared by our youngest (musical) granddaughter.
    Thank you for this most beautiful post with 'ice' flowers.

  3. Are we allowed to say , what a wonderful cemetary ..?? It is beautiful there. Love the iced rose, :-) Thank you for visiting my blog again too ... Happy that you like my photos, take care anne

  4. Happy birthday Mozart. I have loved your music since childhood, when I struggled to learn to play your simpler pieces on the piano. We have visited your home in Salzburg and now, thanks to Merisi, had a glimpse of your grave. Your music has brought much pleasure to my life. Thanks for this wonderful post Merisi.

  5. I just thought about St. Marx Cemetery yesterday, as this is one of the rare places I haven't visited yet in Vienna. Next time for sure... Thank you for the great pictures!
    Frau T.

  6. Thank you all for your kind comments!

    I went out to St. Marx again, this afternoon. Tomorrow I'll post some pictures.
    Today we are celebrating another special birthday, our own daughter's.
    My grandparents were from Salzburg. I spent my childhood summers with them, therefore Mozart has always held a special place in my heart.

  7. Haven't listened to any Mozart in quite a while. But I am a fan.

  8. A beautiful celebration of a great artist.

    I will listen to some of his music tonight.

  9. Exegi monumentum aere perennius
    regalique situ pyramidum altius,
    quod non imber edax, non Aquilo inpotens
    possit diruere aut innumerabilis
    annorum series et fuga temporum.

    Horace wrote those lines thinking about himself, but they apply perfectly to Mozart.

    1. "I have created a monument more lasting than bronze,
      And higher than the royal site of the pyramids,
      Which neither harsh rains nor the wild North wind
      Can erode, nor the countless succession of years
      And the flight of the seasons."

      So true, Simona!

      To continue with Horace, "Ode to Postumus"
      "Eheu fugaces, Postume, Postume, labuntur anni!"
      Alas, the fleeting years glide away, Postumus, Postumus!
      Mozart, too, left us treasures that will last, and that makes all the difference, why we cherish him to this day.

      Thank you, Simona!

  10. How lovely and how touching are roses in the snow. And I love the contrast with yesterday's post -- I could almost smell that green meadow.

    1. Thank you, Vicki!
      I visited the cemetery again yesterday. Roses and flowers, and a steady stream of people from all over the world, paying homage. Very touching.

  11. Lovely post! I've been to Salzburg and visited his Geburthaus..seen his piano and violin...goosebumps...such an amazing and wonderful experience..I love your country Merisi...your cultural and musical heritage...a legacy to mankind :D


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