Monday 24 September 2012

Vienna in Autumn
A Sunday in the City

Autumn makes a Grand Entrance
Lainzer Tiergarten
Game and Nature Reserve
in Hietzing, Vienna's 13th District
In the distance, the Hermes Villa,
a hunting lodge of the Imperial family

Autumn on a Plate
Pumpkin Gnocchi with mushrooms

Coffee for Two
The season changes,
coffee stays

Photographed Sunday afternoon
Images and Text © by Merisi

Link -> Lainz Game Reserve and Hermes Villa
D800, 50mm


  1. **********un Bonjour automnal en passant chez toi en ce début de semaine************

    bonne dégustation de ce coffee

  2. Pumpkin Gnocchi, pumpkin gnocchi, pumpkin gnocchi - you know that feeling when a song gets stuck in your head? I want some.

    P.S. Thank you for sharing the table with my compatriots from Cracow :-).

  3. It is always too warm here for gnocchi, but I guess the weather is sligthtly cooler...

  4. That Gnocchi was looking pretty good until you said it was pumpkin. ewww.

  5. All looks delicious!
    If Vermeer did photography...the last photo would be his.

  6. It all looks good to me! Great captures and fun post as always, Merisi! Have a beautiful week!!

  7. Don't you just love the way that coffee cup is being held!

    1. Andre,
      my friend at first wanted to lift her hand, I begged her to let me shoot first. ;-)

  8. You always make me hungry....

  9. Hello, Merisi, It's been awhile since I've left you a note...Please know that your photos always make me feel so good...I just love the coolness of early autumn & the warmth of harvest food & good coffee! Your Vienna is beautiful. ~ Rita

  10. Thank you for visiting my blog. You have a lovely blog with beautiful photos. I hope I can find time to visit Vienna, it´s a beautiful city and not too far from Oslo. Have a nice week:)

  11. Beautiful series of photo's.I like your blog and I am your new follower.


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