Sunday 2 September 2012

Sideways into Wine Country
Eine Landpartie. Viennese Escapes

The Big Orange Cheese
Mimolette, illuminated
by the waning afternoon sun

Boule de Lille
Mimolette from France
The annatto coloured cheese
was first produced in the Lille area
in the 17th century, when King Louis XIV
decreed that France should aim to produce
the best of everything -
and succeed they did, didn't they?

Grappa Blues
A ballad for those who think
a grape after giving wine
is finished

Heavenly Light
on earthy delights

A Side Trip to Italy
under Austrian evening sun

Women and Wine
and art all around

The Pig that flew
off the plates!
Unlike the poor birds picking at Zeuxis's painted grapes,
those sticking their forks into slices of this cake
would not be disappointed:
Under the almond paste trompe-l'œil pig,
masquerading as a simple sheet cake,
awaited the most sophisticated chocolate Torte ever:
A master pastry chef's skilled and playful interpretation
of one of host Daniel Spörri's art works

Photographed September 2011
in Hadersdorf, Lower Austria

Link: Daniel Spörri's EAT ART in Hadersdorf
Images and Text © by Merisi


  1. What a wonderful place!! I would love to spend an evening or two or three there!! Terrific captures as always, Merisi!

    1. Thank you, Sylvia,
      and the place is memorable, indeed.

  2. You have me licking my lips.

    1. That was a special event, but Daniel Spörri's "Eat Art" restaurant is open to anyone on weekends. Just following the link for more information!

  3. So many delectable treasures! Looks like a memorable evening! Your beautiful pictures make me wish I was there sampling all that deliciousness! Have a great weekend, Merisi! xx

    1. Karen,
      I fervently wished I was back there right now! It was a magical afternoon.

  4. Marissa , you need to write a book , with all the wonderful photos in too.. magical!!

  5. Here you are showing us delightful photos of delicious cheese and wine, and what do I notice the most? That belt buckle! I've not seen such a belt buckle before...guess I don't frequent the classier place!

    1. Would you believe that I was so focused on catching the light on the plate that I did not notice but a big buckle? ;-)

  6. I am off to bed and I'll be dreaming about cheese, wine, chocolate cake and flying pigs. If I wake up hungry in the middle of the night, I'll blame you, Merisi ;-).

    1. Zosia, I hope you had sweet dreams! ;-)


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