Friday 24 August 2012

Evening in the Emperor's Garden
Viennese Moments

The Emperor's Palm Hause
Behind the palm house, the Albertina Palace
and the steeple of St. Augustin Church

The once private garden of the emperor
was opened to the public in 1918

The Butterfly House
of the palm house to the right
and one of the Hofburg palace wings

The Palm House
The steel and glass orangery
was designed by the Viennese architect
Friedrich Ohman. The construction took five years,
from 1901 to 1906

21 August 2012
Images and Text © by Merisi


  1. So regal and beautiful. I bet you asked everyone in Burggarten to wear blue, white and black, or no-shirt that day, so the photo would be nicely styled ;-). Happy weekend, Merisi.

  2. Oh Merisi, what wonderful light flows through these pictures.

    I am smiling a the notion of an Emperor constructing such a beautiful house just to accommodate his palms. (Briefly thinking of the underside of the Emperor's hands!) And so glad that he did. It is an exquisite building.


  3. I wish people would dress up appropriately in Marie-Antoinette style clothing for these grand buildings.
    Gap wear will not do!

  4. Beautiful, delightful place and I love your captures for the day! Interesting to see places like this and people wearing shorts etc. Definitely a difference in our time and then!

  5. Beautiful. Is Vienna always so elegant?? It seems so!

  6. I like the hour you chose to take your picture : first shot looks stunning, with the light of the sun just on the last line a constructions...

  7. What a beautiful and grand place! A lovely place to spend the day. Your photos are wonderful. xx

  8. I sure wish I could visit all the gorgeous places you post about on your blog.
    You give me wanderlust every time.


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