Wednesday 21 September 2011

Some Mornings are like this!
Tales from the Venetian Lagoon

"What do you mean,
'We are
toast fried!'?"
Acciughe Fritte
Fried Anchovies on Moleskine Notebook
photographed near Jesolo along the Venetian Lagoon
in September 2009

Lest you worry,
these are beloved memories
of Italian Days -
sweet on a morning
when I thought I had done
a very good job backing up my files,
only to realize that the hard ware
of the external hard drive
is falling apart already!

Images and text
© by Merisi


  1. Well, I'm envious already......the beginning of fall always makes me want to head straight to Florence!

  2. I love the textures and the colours of this photo. I bet the sardines tasted great too :-).
    P.S. Merisi, thank you very much for your kind words about my photos from the historical Gas Works in Warsaw.

  3. I'd love to go back to Venice, in winter, when there are less tourists, to get lost in the back alleys of Dorsoduro and Lu Giudecca and see mist rising from the canals.

  4. Ich wünschte, ich wäre jetzt auch irgendwo in Italien...
    Sardinen sehen so gut aus, auch wenn sie nicht gleich als solche zu erkennen sind) Die Textur von dem Buch passt so gut dazu.

  5. Svet,
    das sind acciughe fritte in pastella. Pastella ist ein sehr dünner Teig in dem man die Sardinen vor dem Frittieren kurz durchzieht, daher die Struktur.
    Die Sardinen haben übrigens auf meinem Tagebuch keinen Fettfleck hinterlassen! ;-)

  6. And now in English:
    Svet commented on the texture of the anchovies.
    They are first dipped in a thin batter, similar to tempura, then deep-fried. Those in the picture were excellent, not fatty at all.

  7. Thank you all for your kind comments!

  8. I hate hard drives and don't much like fried sardines either..
    Not that I've ever eaten one...ahem

  9. Hum... At first sight I thought it was .... an OYSTER !!! A wild one !
    And ... I AM WEARING my glasses !!!

  10. das Essen ist super dort. plus es ist sehr romantisch


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