Saturday 22 December 2012

When Night falls
Vienna at Christmastime

When night falls in
Vienna at Christmastime

Copyright by Merisi


  1. Good morning!

    This is one of those days when I am not happy with the posted images. Fact is, I started preparing the post before the sun rose and by the time, way past noon, I had time to put the finishing touches on it, the sun is shining bright outside and all those pictures feel way too dark to want to look at them. This is one of the - too many! - days where I wish I could go out when I wanted, to capture the beauty of this city in the best light possible. Alas, this blog can only exist as long as I can tell myself that all of you know that I photograph when and what I can, under what ever light conditions, often on the run, so to speak, otherwise, waiting for really great opportunities and images, I would never again publish a post.

    I am way behind in answering my Christmas mails. Please be patient, I am working through the list, but time is, for one reason or another, scarce. Come back to all of you who took the time to write I will, though.

    Warmest regards,

  2. Relax! Enjoy! You live in Vienna! 8-)

  3. Oh, Merisi, you are way too hard on yourself--these are gorgeous images!! I was drawn right in immediately. Happy New Year!!!

  4. Dear Merisi, I LOVE the above photographs. I thought them to be especially nice.... something a little different in the exposure, exactly what these images needed.
    Wishing you and yours a very happy and prosperous New Year.
    Warm regards,

  5. That is a real christmas.Love the photographs.
    Wishing you a happy new year!

  6. well

    i just started reading
    ~~the marriage artist~~
    by andrew winer

    do you know it?

    when i turned to page 8
    it said this--->

    '''Vienna, 1928...'''

    so straight away i think of you
    even though
    i am quite certain you were not around There during 1928


    all in all

    in my mind Vienna is Yours...

    i know.
    go figure.

    whilst i am in '''Vienna, 1928..'''

    my head swims with Your Vienna
    and its wonderful sunny gardens
    and yummy cafe shops

    isn't that funny!


    i just love
    how that happens..........

  7. the pictures are lovely!!

  8. And warmest regards to you as well Merisi. I love the ornament at the top and bottom of your post. It alone is something magical and you need not wonder if it is satifactory, for it stands alone as wonderful. Thank you for all you do for us and our spirits. Happy New Year blessings~

  9. Hi Merisi ! You have a great talent for capture the atmosphères of your marvellous city. And Wien is a wonderful city ! I wish you an excellent end of year 2010.
    Saturday, I will be in front of my TV for watch the New Year Concert of Wien, My item for my blog is ready !
    Kisses from France.

  10. what a pretty set of joyous pictures!
    And so many touches of RED in Vienna!!!

  11. .. oh these are great pictures ... just what I have been waiting for .. evening pictures in Vienna .. I love the night light pictures, thanks so much ... seriously, I loved this post. Happy New Year

  12. 22 December 2012

    Dear Readers,
    I published this post for the first time in December 2010.

    The city is covered with a not so light dusting of snow. Early morning still, and winter beauty will not last through the day. Temperatures will climb up during the day, so I am out, hoping to get the one or other picture, before it is all gone. And some more wrapping paper. For the first time ever, I ran out of wrapping paper last night. Almost a reason to celebrate, isn't it?

    A wonderful Christmas weekend to all of you,

  13. Wunderschoenes Bilder...I look at the pictures of the lighths I took there last week, then I think..Merisi would have got that street looking "just right" ! You have an excellent eye for colour, composition; just catching the spirit of the moment and keeping Wien magical and alive for those of us who only whizz through as tourists.
    Thanks for all your magical posts over the year.
    Best wishes for Christmas.

    1. Thank you, Kurwenal,
      for your generous words. It makes me happy to know there are people out there who enjoy the moments in time I manage to capture of this beautiful place on earth, made magical by the people who live and work and visit here.
      May your Christmas be merry and bright,

  14. J'aime tes clichés ,
    surtout cette boule déco orange !!!elle est vraiment la représentation de l'ambiance des fêtes ......
    JOYEUX NOEL à toi
    bises amicales


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