Thursday 8 July 2010

South of the Border:
Hungarian Rhapsody

Madonna in the Fields
Driving south
of the Austrian border
into Fertőd-Hanság National Park

Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
Click to listen to Vladimir Horowitz
play his version
of Franz Liszt's work

June 2010
© 2010 by Merisi


  1. Vicki,
    that scene seemed so unreal!
    I drove through the intersection and saw the Madonna there, I had to stop and run back to get a picture.
    The sun was high in the sky, it was around noon, and the light and the shadows were the colors of dreams.

  2. this image is very suggestive

  3. Because of where I live, my first thought was Hungarian Rhapsody? South of the border? It does not compute...oh, we are talking about Austria, not California - haha!

  4. Wonderfully, weird & surreally technicolor-ish. That previous "sentence" may indicate heat stroke. Off to shower again.

    ciao-meow, Merisi.

  5. Hungary now! Yay--more beautiful places to see through your capable vision.

  6. Honestly M, this image is so utterly, completely precious! She's in the "real" church-- and those sweet bouquets. You must have loved coming upon this scene.

    You mentioned ED-- I read her every morning and I hope her words find their way into memory.

  7. That really is magnificent. So fully of hope and motherly warmth!

  8. How magical to happen upon that shrine/sculpture... beautiful.

    And the music? So gorgeous an also amazing how it changes so much throughout the piece. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Dreamlike, almost surreal colors, which can really make me think of the beautiful Hungarian folk costumes. You are a magician!

    a wonderful weekend for you -

    hugs from

  10. Anonymous09 July, 2010

    Dreamlike yet grounded. I can't help thinking of those who come and lovingly tend the wayside Madonna.

  11. It looks like a painting...
    Why do these places have such unpronouncible names?
    So long since I've listened to Vladie..and I use to listen daily, hourly - I was a huge fan.Even bought a way too good piano and started lessons again until I realized I would never get to Carnegie Hall much less busking in the Metro..
    Now it's all pop and rock...
    Who knew?
    Danke :)

  12. Oh wow...that is so beautiful! I love those pink flowers the most.


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