Wednesday 21 April 2010

More Questions About Angels

Another Quiet Morning
in the neighbourhood

on their way to work,

did not notice anything amiss
as they strolled through the church square

The doorman stoically
listened to George Frideric Handel
on his Baroque-Pod,

while the two saints
responsible for guarding a gaggle of angels,
were squirming from embarrassment

over two little angels at their feet
who were at each other's throats

and would not heed
the saints' admonitions,
not even listen to their warnings
of fallen angels

St. Barbara turned
away in despair


"Of all the questions you might want to ask
about angels, the only one you ever hear
is how many can dance on the head of a pin
" *

Monday morning
around St. Ulrich Square
© by Merisi

* Quoted from Billy Collins'
poem "Question About Angels"


  1. Did you notice that the gentleman in the second picture wears a hat that matches his wife's hair colour? ;-)

    You all have a wonderful day! :-)

  2. I have so many questions about angels but that's me. I have always been fascinated by them.

  3. Have your ears been burning? My son Hew came home with another Jack and Annie book (siblings who go on historical adventures in a magic tree house) and this time Jack and Annie are headed to the "summer palace" in Vienna to meet with Maria Theresa and help out an artist. I promised him we would wander through your blog to find a photo of the "summer palace". He asked when will he get to visit the palace? I can only hope it will soon ;)

    Btw - enjoying your spring and angel photos. We are beginning to cross into the hot here :(

  4. Great pictures -- great poem! I thought the couple had on matching hats. Your comment made me go back and biggify and there they are -- a pair of Red-Crested Wieners!

    I wonder if the cherubs are squabbling over who got the last bit of ambrosia?

  5. Loree,
    same here! ;-)

    I suppose your son was discovering Schloss Schönbrunn? (What with all those palaces around here, starting with Belvedere, Prince Eugene's estate, Schloss Hof in the countryside, and on and on ... ).
    It 70° here and I longingly look out the window.
    Study I must, though.

    Vicki Lane,
    I could not believe my eyes when I spotted the couple's matching head gear (I almost missed them, concentrating on the angel scene)! The color is exactly reproduced. ;-)

  6. Karmic Destiny?
    Right now I have to paint an "angel" dog..on a cloud.
    I don't do wings or windows I told them...

  7. A lot of drama in your angelic world today. Delightful, Merisi!

  8. great architecture!

  9. A wonderful morning...great shots, xv.

  10. One of the saints even has a hand to her mouh with the horror of it all.

    What can I say? Wonderful as usual.

  11. Ah, when we are not looking...

  12. I'm sure to find always delightful images in your blog, Merisi :-)

  13. Grazie, Pietro!
    It's a nice diversion from doing what I should be doing! :-)

  14. All that sculptural skill is a delight to see, Merisi! Thank you for sharing it with us. I don't think I could get my hubby to do that, nor would I think of matching my hat to his hair:)

  15. What's the angel doing to the other angel!? *gasp*

  16. Wonderful stuff. I have not seen an angel, though I believe in them. My mother was very ill in 1993 and she said that two came to visit her in her room. I asked her if they spoke and she said they let her know everything would be just fine...she was at such peace after that. She passed over two months after her experience, and I believe those angels met her once again~

  17. I think those two angels are heading for teh dark side.

    I can't believe that guys hat matches his wife's hair.

  18. I would ask, "How many angels WANT to dance on the head of a pin?"

    Thanks for your stops by my place, Merisi. Always appreciated!

  19. What fabulous images. The light and shadow and graceful figures are beautiful.

  20. Haha! I love the little contentious putti!

  21. I love the squabbling cherubs and how you fit the poem with each shot. I wish my mind thought that way. I have to go back and look at the couple and their hats.


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