Tuesday 1 December 2009

Rainy Morning

Beloved, let us once more praise the rain.
Let us discover some new alphabet,
For this, the often praised; and be ourselves,
The rain, the chickweed, and the burdock leaf,
The green-white privet flower, the spotted stone,
And all that welcomes the rain; the sparrow too,—
Who watches with a hard eye from seclusion,
Beneath the elm-tree bough, till rain is done.

There is an oriole who, upside down,
Hangs at his nest, and flicks an orange wing,—
Under a tree as dead and still as lead;
There is a single leaf, in all this heaven
Of leaves, which rain has loosened from its twig:
The stem breaks, and it falls, but it is caught
Upon a sister leaf, and thus she hangs;
There is an acorn cup, beside a mushroom
Which catches three drops from the stooping cloud.

The timid bee goes back to the hive; the fly
Under the broad leaf of the hollyhock
Perpends stupid with cold; the raindark snail
Surveys the wet world from a watery stone...
And still the syllables of water whisper:
The wheel of cloud whirs slowly: while we wait
In the dark room; and in your heart I find
One silver raindrop,—on a hawthorn leaf,—
Orion in a cobweb, and the World.
(Conrad Aiken)

Photographed this morning
in the 13th District
© by Merisi


  1. Another perfectly charming and delightful post! Thank you!

  2. Awww, geschlossen, fur den Winter, ja? (sorry no umlaut on my keyboard:) )

  3. Perfect poem to follow the picture.

  4. So relaxing...and since we are looking for rain, what a lovely way to look at it!

  5. What a magnificent poem -- and I can't give higher praise than to say that your pictures suited it exactly!

    Eden is closed? Is that the meaning of Geschlossen?

  6. Conrad Aiken's poetry is brilliant...and so befitting your magnificent photography...what can I say? This post blends the work of a favorite poet and much loved photographer!! I have tasted a bit of paradise here today! Love you! Janine XO

  7. Another wonderful post to begin my day with.

  8. More great words and pictures that seem to be made for each other.

  9. Beautiful prose, and photos!

  10. Merisi, I will simply say thank you again for the beauty.


  11. There is very little I like better than a good rain.

  12. WOW so sparkly
    so bright the fleurs?
    Winter has not hit Vienna yet evidently...
    Lucky you

  13. Absolutely MARVELLOUS; your Photos....makes me want to come and
    visit Vienna again....!
    have a beautiful evening
    ciao elvira

  14. beautiful Merisi, a sublime post!

  15. Wandring Star,
    you are welcome,
    thank you!

    jeannette stgermain,
    "geschlossen" means "closed", yes!
    I hope they are not closed for good.

    thank you! :-)

    Sandi McBride,
    it was really quite a lovely rainy morning. ;-)

  16. Vicki Lane,
    thank you very much! :-)
    Eden closed, yes!

    Sniffles and Smiles,
    thank you, you are very generous! :-)
    I love that poem and it is wonderful being able to share it.

    Martin H.,
    thank you! :-)

    thank you! :-)

    Gaston Studio,
    thank you! :-)

  17. Frances,
    you are welcome! :-)

    Charles Gramlich,
    as long as we can agree on what the definition of "good rain" is! ;-) I love a good rainy day when it comes after a row of sunny days and is swiftly followed by sunshine again.

    yes, this was the first of December in Vienna!
    Rather springlike weather lately. I hear people talking about Christmas .... strange. ;-)

  18. elvira pajarola,
    thank you!
    Vienna's waiting for you! :-)

    thank you, you are very kind! :-)


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