Tuesday 24 November 2009

Coffee Dreaming
Cafè La Salvia

Coffee Break
Coffee Heaven
La Salvia

Coffee and milk
in Italian

with amarettino,
an Italian mini macaroon

My Caffellatte
Runneth Over

That caffè doppio
put it over the top
Notice the Italian croissant cornetto
with San Daniele ham prosciutto
hiding behind the tall glass

Venetian Dreaming
We are in an Italianate coffee bar,
so we might as well have some snack cicheti:
Bacaeà Mantecà (Venetian for creamed stockfish)
on warm toast not only looks good,
it also tastes delicious here!
Bon appetito! :-)

Bacaeà Mantecà
(Bacalà Mantecato in Italian)
"creamed dried cod.
The bacalà is soaked in water, boiled,
and then vigorously pounded or beaten with olive oil
added drop by drop until the mixture becomes very soft,
almost whipped and foamy;
it also contains garlic, pepper and parsley

Quoted from Sally Spector's beautifully illustrated
"Venice & Food"
Arsenale Editrice, 1998
ISBN 88 7743 173 3

Thus reinvigorated,
I went back to
shop for the week's
vegetables and fruits
at the farmers' market!
Flowers, too.

Coffee served at
La Salvia
"Cose buone dal Friuli all'Istria"
Yppenplatz corner of
16th District

Images and Text
© by Merisi
21 November 2009


  1. Si! Mi piacciono tutte queste cose buone.

  2. Excellent! Lovely photos, as always. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week, Merisi!

  3. Yum. Thank you. I needed that!
    Stopping by to say Happy Thanksgiving Merisi! Thankful for you!


  4. You're making me very hungry! Those look wonderful!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  5. Oh Merisi, if I could have sampled what I've just viewed, I would have even more for whick to be thankful.

    Happy Thanksgiving! xo

  6. Well, I'm just sorry that it's too late for a coffee. I'd like for my caffelatte to overrunneth as well.

  7. perfect, sugar! what a delight! xoxox
    happy thanksgving!

  8. I've always wondered what could be done with dried cod -- this sounds delicious!

  9. Thank you all for your kind messages! :-)

    Vicki Lane,
    dried cod, rehydrated and cooked the right way is delicious! My little neighborhood grocery store at Campi de Fiori in Rome still has a marble water trough with running water to rehydrate stoccafisso - dried cod for his customers (even the small restaurant at a small square a few steps away that specializes in fried "Filetti di Baccalà") is still there: Romans love their cod fried! For a bit more information and a nice picture of a dried whole codfish click here.

    A wonderful day to all of you! :-)

  10. I;ve said it before and I'll say it again.
    Vienna OWNS the glass, be it filled with water or caffellatte or whatever...
    The best glasses in the world.

  11. This caffelatte is to die for

  12. Dear Merisi.........I am enchanted!!!!! Iam delighted....!!!
    Your Pics are absolutely a magnificient Eyes pleasure; I definetely will come back!!
    As a coffeelover I just would drive a loooong way for this "coffeelatte"...
    Thank you so much for stepping in my Tuscany; I loved it!

  13. Thank you all so much for your kind comments,
    I appreciate each and every one immensely! :-)


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