Saturday 23 May 2009

Breakfast in Paradise

A Pail
of the palest
rose-coloured peonies

Rooibos Vanilla Tea
with a good dose
of awning stripes
Milk optional

A White Bowl
with porridge and
sun-shine coloured fruit
and honey

A Cappuccino
not necessarily yours
your companion's
will do



Photographed by Merisi
on the sunny morning
of Saturday, May 23, 2009,
at Café Noi,
Peyergasse 12,
where heavenly breakfasts
are being served every Saturday
starting at 9am,
right next to the Farmers' Market.


Each image
will take you
on another excursion
of Yppen Square,
as will
this very special link
to my companion's
view of life at the market
Just go ahead
and click yourself
there too!



  1. Beautiful indeed

  2. Oh, I've fallen in love with yet another one of your posts!!!!! And I loved following your links...and made comment on three of the posts that the links lead me to...You are fabulous!!!! A true star!!!! And you brighten my days with your art, and poetry!!!!! This is what we live for!!!! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend! ~Janine XO

  3. Those peonies are so lovely! And now I think I'll go get a cappuccino! ~Lori

  4. Striped tea! Who needs a barrista to paint a heart in one's cappuccino when one can have stripes floating in a tea cup full of Rooibus. Your photos and comments elevate the mundane, such as breakfast, to a level of enchantment. Or is life just really that good in Vienna?

  5. Everything looks yummy -- especially those marshmallowy pink peonies.

  6. Delicious! This series is delicious! Such amazing color and texture.
    Love it!

  7. This was the perfect post to wake up to on Sunday morning... Aaaah....I think I actually smell the flowers!
    Thank you!

  8. I like what Bee said....marhmallowy pink peonies..that's a perfect description of your photographs today. The tea cup with the awning strips is amazing....what a great eye you have! Thanks for sharing your springtime breakfast with us. :D

  9. Wow! I can almost smell those peonies! Marvellous, the way you have captured the reflection in the tea cup! A really enjoyable post, thank you!

  10. My Starbucks serves Rooibos tea now. I wonder how good it is, really, compared to this [your image] which is probably as close to the real deal as one can get.
    Your photos, again, as always, as tantalizing and delicious as ever!
    -- Cip

  11. You know, I've never had a cappuchino.

  12. What a nice post. Great idea photographing each part of the meal. Mmm, porridge with fruit - could just do with that now :) Thanks for popping by my blog.

  13. Ooooo YUMMY!
    My Parisien friend M. swears by this Rooibus tea too
    What does it do?
    I did not see flashing lights when I tried it.
    But it does look very pretty...nice color tone etc
    anyway delightful post comme habitude cherie :)

  14. I think all good bloggers should document their meals
    and all the flowers they see!
    Much love from New York.

  15. Anonymous25 May, 2009

    How I wish I had a picture book with your images I could curl up with at night. The monitor on my computer just isn't as friendly as a book!

  16. everything that I love. next sunday, I'm coming over


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