Thursday 19 March 2009

Postcards from Rome: Mattina a Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona
Sunday morning vignette

La Fontana del Nettuno
The Neptune Fountain

Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi
Fountain of the Four Rivers

Sunday Morning
Early Bird Special

Soaking up the scenery
in splendid solitude,
in front of Bernini's
"Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi".
The venerated "Café de Colombia"
- renamed "Domiziano" -
is still my favorite place
to sit down and enjoy a cappuccino
or a glass of wine
in Piazza Navona.


  1. Clicking on the images will take you first to an amateur video of a stroll at Piazza Navona, then on to various songs by the Italian cantautore - singer-songwriter - Francesco de Gregori, a native Roman. "Niente da capire" is my favorite, hidden behind the last image.

    Enjoy! :-)

  2. Wonderful. It is a little vacation for my mind. Peace.

  3. There I should have been - right now :-) !

    PS Thank you for the nice comment!

  4. Rome has such wonderful fountains. I shall join you....just give me a moment to grab my purse! Your site makes my day EVERY day. Thank you, Merisi!


  5. You have some classy shots of your place. I enjoyed them. :)

    Thanks for being at mine.

  6. If I remember right that Bernini fountain is feathured in Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons" a prequil to "The Da Vinci Code" and a real page turner. The movie will be out this summer with Tom Hanks in the lead.

  7. Beautiful pictures! Thank You.

  8. A wonderful visit away from my tap water horror. This is so pleasant to sit beside fountains with awesome architecture.

  9. I want to fly to Roma , this is such a good time to be there.
    Thank you for this post, I've thought I was with you

  10. Thanks for the nice surprise, wonderful pictures and great song!! Best wishes!!

  11. Anonymous25 May, 2009

    I wonder why in the angels and deamons movie, the colombian flag and cafe de colombia was shown more than 7 times? paid advertisement?

  12. Anonymous30 May, 2009

    I just came from seeing the movie in theater, and I wondered the same thing. More than 6 times the Colombian flag was shown and the sign "Cafe de Colombia" was displayed at least twice in the movie...what was that all about?


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